Hi all, is it possible to have duplicate player page bookmarks? For example if I wanted the players to access two pages? I tend to use one page for marching order as the group is quite big.
You can also drag and drop a Handout from the Journal tab in the right sidebar onto a player. That player will be given permission to view the Handout, and it will also appear on their screen immediately.
Michael M. said:
I have only run two games using roll20 (and in the middle of my second one now) but I can see in my first game that I have a button for the handouts that says "show players":
But in my second game I do not get this option, just an edit button:
Michael M. said:
Bingo! Thank you all. It looks like this doesn't stop players from making their character sheets popout themselves so I wonder what is the reason for this setting?