"The year is currently 142,300 also known as “300 in the year of Beetle”. Kovata is divided up in half between Pelor's Alliance (Humans, Drows, Dwarves, Tieflings) and that Darkwatchers (Orcs, Elves, Goblins, Dragonborn). The world has been at war for several hundred years most do not even know why the war was started but after so many people have died over the several hundred years it does not really matter anymore 'Only Hatred Is Left'. Around the year of 55,555 the monsters who were known in the world quickly got much more aggressive and out of hand for unknown reasons and new creatures arrived. This sudden urge of monsters nearly devastated all towns and life outside of the two capitals. Then the Guilds arose, Adventuring Guilds we set up to train warriors to deal with these monsters and to drive them back. The monsters were eventually drove back and then the guilds expanded their expertise some guilds started to do crafting motifs such as Masons, Fabrics, Smiths, Woodworkers some started seeking knowledge so colleges of knowledge arose and even some mage only guilds dedicated to the study of magic. Yet adventurer guilds are still the dominant guilds in the world. The realm of Kovata is currently fractured into pieces of small factions. Either due to laws that they don’t want to follow, false gods, or just simple grudges against the leaders. Little do the people of Kovata realize the terrible evil that is quickly approaching them." __"Unity Through Dread" is a fully custom campaign where the player will have to go through very hard choices to unite the world against one common threat! Will you survive the onslaught? Only time, experience, and loyalty to your friends will tell.__ I currently own a hobby shop downtown Orlando Florida, we sell D&D supplies, MTG cards, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Poke'mon, Warhammer, boardgames, and a little bit of everything. I have been creating this campaign over the last **three years** perfecting it. **I have also been DMing D&D for eight year almost nine.** Does that mean I know every little rule in D&D "Of course not" I am also not a "Rule Nazi". With this campaign since I am Pro Member you will be benefiting in **Dynamic Lighting, Shadows, Custom Scripts, and Custom Tokens.** I am looking for 4-5 players for this campaign but Due to me dedicating a lot of my time to  This game will require payment for my time as a Game Master at a rate of 1.00$ per hour. Be advised that payment will occur off site via PayPal and cannot be enforced by the Roll20 staff. That way you don't have to pay for the entire campaign or per session either. If you aren't enjoying it you don't even have to pay for the current hour. Also due to this charge **I am not putting up a "Form" or "Application"** I figure that if you are willing to help me out by purchasing my campaign that it shouldn't matter. The only requirement is that the game **MUST be on FRIDAY, time yet to be determined.** If you have ant relevant questions about the game or myself then feel free to **PM me.**