So I am looking to start a game of storm king's thunder that runs weekly every sunday until the campaign finishes. I have a few slots open for the game we currently have 3 players. As to get started couple things if you are interested send me a pm with the following information. Name Age Little bit about you. Keep it relevant. How much rpg experience do you have? Tell me about your favorite character you have played in an rpg before. Can you make the games weekly? What would you ask of me as a DM? I will be purchasing Storm Kings thunder from roll20 to run for the group. Would you be willing to contribute towards the cost? Houserules: 0) Don't be a dick. 1) Try to stay in character. 2) Know what you want to do on your turn when your turn comes around. 3) Have read the players handbook and know how your class works. 4) Absolutely no cheating, this includes looking up metagame information. 5) No arguing with the DM, if we are unsure about a rule or something we will look it up after the session or on a break. 6) Shopping, crafting, or downtime activities will be done between sessions, before or after. 7) If you can't make a session let me know like a day prior so i can plan for being down a player. 8) Anything printed in the players handbook or sword coast adventurers guide or elemental evil handbook is fair game and you don't need to ask me about first. All UA, 3rd party products, DMG, MM, or homebrew material is on a case by case basis. 9) No Player versus player. You cannot at any time, kill, maim, steal from or intentionally cause the death of another player or their character. Inter party conflict is fine, but don't derail the game or grief anther player. See rule 0. 10) I just wanted 10 rules, so here is a blank one in case we need it. A note about me as a DM, i am currently in military service so sometimes i will have to cancel a game on account of work for reasons that are beyond my control. And character will be done on session 0 as a group. Send me message interested in playing.