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Object Tint Not Showing Up

A number of map features have recently been losing their chosen Tint color for me. It's happening to stuff I upload myself AND stuff already in the library. I've also seen it in some of my friend's games as well and I have not found any way to fix it.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Hi ProfessorAmazing, could you elaborate slightly on what you mean by 'losing their tint colour'? A tint is applied to a single instance of a token/image on the VTT, unless this is then saved as a default token for a journal and dragged from there for future use it won't have the tint applied. If you mean that something you have placed on the VTT and given a tint to seems to be losing its tint then we can explore the various potential issues there. Thanks
Ziechael said: If you mean that something you have placed on the VTT and given a tint to seems to be losing its tint then we can explore the various potential issues there. Yeah! Sorry I wasn't more clear. Not super used to the terminology, me and my gaming group usually use terms like, "The Thingy" or "That Doohickey." In any case, I meant to say that multiple images I placed on the VTT are losing tint seemingly randomly. This is happening with different images, on different pages, and copies of the same image (that I then deleted and replaced, with no results.) on the same page. Thanks!
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Strange indeed, is the creator of the game a pro subscriber and therefore likely to have some API scripts installed? I ask as there are a number of scripts that utilise tints for various things and it may be that the tokens placed are meeting certain conditions that cause the script to remove their tints. If the API isn't an option then some screen shots might help summarise the issue. I will also prescribe the standard tech help as this doesn't sound 'normal' behaviour: Could you please carefully work through the first three steps of our guide to Solving Technical Issues ? Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome and Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable all add-ons/extensions and anti-virus programs. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through Step 4 . (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) Thank you!
Thanks! It looks like it was a problem with an extension for chrome. I checked the Solving Technical Issues page before and ran through the steps without results, but silly me, I accidentally skipped right past the checking extensions step. Thanks so much for your help, Ziechael!
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Anytime, glad it got sorted. Happy rolling :)