Looking to add some diversity to our gaming group of all dudes. Sexism and inappropriate remarks will not be tolerated. Like I said, we're just looking to add some diversity. We play weekly, usually Wednesday or Thursday 8:30/CST. We have one player in Thailand, 2-3 midwest, and 1-2 mountain time zone US. We've been doing Rise of the Runelords, but since we're adding a new player, we thought we'd take a break and introduce them to the game through Beginner's Box. So this is noob friendly. The first adventure, this Thursday will be a heavily modified version of the intro adventure in Beginner's Box. We are roleplay-lite, in terms of doing voices and mannerisms, but players and DM are encouraged to explain their actions narratively and within game context. We use google hangouts. Audio is required, but camera is not. Though I think everyone playing now is using one.