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Runts Q-Store

If you want guns for grunts, you need to pay.

Edited 1476799772
"Ahhh, the power of nobliesse oblige .  Suck it up, noble, rich, pretty-boy.  You set 'em up.  We knock 'em down." Rrounllakhs Vukhikhloeg uses: Fist Claws Issued Gauss Rifle with under-mounted Grenade Launcher and fires AP or DSAP sliver rounds. issued Magrail Support Weapon, a.k.a. Magrail Minigun, firing standard rails Fierce Looks Corsair Eye Salivating Teeth Infighting He is skilled in the use of his Khenourr Combat Armor, ornamented, spiked and distinctly Corsair. He is skilled in Battledress 1 but does now own such.
I am hoping we can get the puppies fur shedding battle dress, Paint it how you will.
R.V. will paint it like Mardi Gras was vomited all over it with plenty of clashing, trinary colors with names you can't pronounce and patterns you can accurately describe other than Vargr .

Edited 1476817049
"Gentlemen." *The Marquis looks up and through the holograms of charts, spread sheets, multimedia ads, brochures and crudely drawn pictorial "wish lists" that fill his office.* "While I applaud your... enthusiasm in detailing, exhaustively, the many items that  Artemis Group requires to do its job, I hope you will understand that some of this will have to wait. At the very least." *He holds up a finely manicured hand to forestall any arguments.* "Artemis Group is a company with significant resources and connections, it is true. However, given that we have recently invested the bulk of our liquid assets in capital improvements, personnel acquisition and training..." *He examines the blank expressions and glassy eyes of the big, armed and armored people before him. He straightens his tie.* "Well, suffice it to say that I will have to prioritize any further large expenditures until we begin generating revenue. I regret to inform you that approximately 40 million credits for Battle Dress for our shipboard security is simply out of the question at this time. Certainly, we can arrange a couple of suits for our primary operatives. Perhaps a many as three or four suits, if we can even acquire so many at any cost. The same will hold true for some of the more expensive and tightly regulated weaponry and other gear. "Additionally, as you know, the Athena's medical bay is due to be upgraded and improved while we are at Rhylanor. Until the cost of that project is absorbed, we will have to be somewhat uncharacteristically prudent in our expenditures."                                                                                                           *  *  *  *  * OOC: Not only is everything that Sebastien said there true, but let's remember that our player characters are the heroes of our story, not the npc's. The npc crew are there to guard the doors, tote the boxes and assist the pc's, but they're not the center of the action and they're not paid to be. Putting them all into the best possible armor and giving them the very best possible weapons is a sure way to minimize the opportunities for our player characters to participate and shine. Personally, I'd rather give the npc's very good gear, but reserve the awesome stuff for the pc's.
"Pfft.  He who has the gold makes the rules.  Party-pooping rich.....(grumble, mumble, mrrh-mhnrrm)." 
Still a work in progress, but here is the shopping list for our "standard issue" gear. it is partly based on Vics suggestion. I've done my best to simplify and trim down unnessisary costs. STANDARD ISSUE There are three standard long arms available. Adv. Laser Rifles for shipboard / zero G combat, Gauss rifles for general ground combat, and shotguns for situations where law restricts beefier weapons, or for when you just want to be old school. Three sidearms are available. Adv Laser Pistol, gauss pistols and stunners. Same theory as above. I saved about a million credits by not going for Intelligent weapons. Another ten million was saved by ordering 30 of each laser weapon rather than 40. there are also a couple of special weapons on the list.  Keep in in mind that this is just "standard issue" gear than PCs and NPCs can obtain from the ship's locker. If you want other weapons feel free to buy them for yourself.

Edited 1476910315
Sorry, if you have trouble finding the sheet, it's on "page 5" of the "Artimis Q-Store" spreadsheet. The poor old iPad I'm using was having trouble opening the Company spreadsheet, but now it can open neither the company one nor the Q-Store one. I guess once the sheet gets to a certain size the ipad flips struggles to get it open? Hoping to get onto a public computer today and finish the sheet off.   At the moment the sheet is only showing quantities. Once it is all totalled up and the items on the list have been officially purchased I'll transfer it all over to the "Ship's Locker" tab on the Artemis Company spreadsheet with a row for each weapon. 
Found it. Looks good. But where are you drawing the price for the Support Magrail? I can't find one for under 250KCr.
Yer and i think he got a decimal point wrong on the 10 million credit saving on 20 weapons. mmmm that's half a mill per wpn
Sorry guys, my bad. Fixed.
At loooong last, here's  a run down of all the items that we have already purchased for the Athena's crew to use in their jobs, stock for the Ship's Locker, and stuff to secure in the Armouries just in case. It's organized by shopping trips. So the first one details the stuff that Crow ordered on Rhylanor way back before Wypoc. The second is the stuff we will have picked up at various times on Lunion, at Mora, or en route between the two. The Third list is stuff that we will be looking to buy at Rhylanor while we're there this time. Feel free to comment or make requisitions through channels to add stuff to the current shopping list. The tabs beyond those are just my notes and drafts of various other stuff.
Thanks so much for putting that together! probably should state (and feel free to argue) that the shotguns there should be regular shotguns and not the fully automatic ones. Full auto shotguns would be banned at the same Law Level as gauss weapons. I get the feeling that if folks had to choose between a shotty and a gauss rifle then they'd choose the gauss every time. The thinking behind the shotguns was that they are outlawed only at high law levels, so they give our security guys an option when law would prevent any other kind of weapon from being used. who is going to be using the artillery b'dress?
The arty b/dress was for the NPC with the skill. As for the TL 14 b/dress is that the advanced, i believe there is a mistake about the rescue opp B/dress, it says in the wright up its TL 13 and the stats are Tl 14.   As for assault shot guns, Gerald wants 1 and both Izek and Gerald want the Mauler shot pistol. The Gauss Ammo should all be APDS normal ammo doesn't cut it when it comes to armor

Edited 1477111161
We can all buy whatever weapons we want. This is just the company gun closet.  And gauss weapons are actually pretty good without APDS rounds. The average damage of a burst from a gauss rifle is enough to scare someone in battledress. I think we should have some APDS, but the cost of that stuff is very high. We should  probably be loading a mag of that ammo when needed rather than having it as our standard.  Talking about crazy ammo loads, we could probably drop the number of NDF shotgun reloads from 200 to 50, unless you think we need to kill more than 350 psions. That'd save us 75,000cr. 
OFF are we that poor that crew  safety is lower than the cost of ammo. The idea of a gun is to stop ppl befor they kill you , not scratch them and then let them kill you. That extra dam adds up quick , espech if there are multiples shooting. skimping out on damage per shot is plain stupid. Some one asked how much dammage do you want to do , my answer stays the same. ALL OF IT.

Edited 1477112381
Oh yeah. I'm not saying that we don't have any of it. We should definitely have the stuff. But if we need to mow down regular troops in cloth armour we're literally shooting money at them if we use APDS.  You could probably offer that money to them to get them to stop fighting and save everyone a lot of grief.  You just don't need that much AP all the time. Remember that Gauss weapons are already AP and subtract 4 from a target's armour.  With the 75k we save from trimming down on NDF shotgun ammo we could buy 12 PGMP-12s! Cutting down on unnecessary spending can release CRs for groovier stuff.  ... not saying that we should buy 12 PGMPs by the way. That was just an example.  And if you really need to blow someone away, remember that Gauss Rifles come with a RAM launcher as standard. It's not like you're ever short of fire power. 
How does 75k divided by 12 = 20 000. A PGMP 12 is 20k. Who have we fought that has no armor? except maybe the pullers, Izek has only seen ppl in armor shooting at him. Also Wolfen, can we get the 20 mags for the assault shotguns?

Edited 1477123827
Oops. 12!? Somoene needs a coffee! 75k could buy 3 PGMPs, with enough change to live off comfortably for a month. And that's just by trimming down on the amount of anti-psion shotgun ammo we buy. My point still stands though. Saving money by going easy on super expensive stuff will let us buy other super expensive items that are a better deal.  But lets look at the math on the Guass Rifle for a moment (not that it's a good day for me to be doing math!) The average damage of a burst from a Gauss Rifle (4d6+4) is 18. For the average guy (777777) in cloth armour that's almost an instakill (his armour is now just 1 point) - he's KOed, bleeding out and definitely out of the fight. Someone in advanced Battledress (armour value 18) is going to take 4 points of damage to their meat from that same average shot (you subtract 4 pts from the armour because it's AP). This is without adding any effect to damage. Remember that doing 7 points of damage is gong to ruin an average guy's day, and doing 14 points of damage to an average guy will render him combat ineffective.  Someone like RV who has good skill, a HUD and other gear is going to ruin Battledress guy's day with an average shot. If he gets lucky and rolls well he has the potential to one shot drop a guy in advanced battledress.  And all this is if you decide not to load in the mag of APDS rounds - which everyone will actually have. I'm not saying we shouldn't have the stuff. It's just that against the guy in cloth it provides no advantage at all. My guess is that a very small percentage of mooks we fight will be in advanced battledress. Even if we are fighting battledress equipped hoards we still have the tools to make them dance.  Against foes with actual armour the 4 pts of extra damage from APDS is handy.   And about the "assault shotguns" ... yeah they really need to be regular combat shotguns. The full auto assault shotguns are awesome, but they kind of negate the purpose of having shotguns (see point I was trying to make earlier about law levels). If we're allowed to take assault weapons then gauss weapons are usually going to be a better bet. 
Secure weapon's, If all the crew weapons are secure weapons, can we not have the codes stored in the bridge? We could then transmit the codes, either direct to the weapon or to the soldier. The crew could keep their weapons with them if they wanted to and would only be able to use them when the bridge allows them.
Better yet we don't even need to tell the crew that the weapons are remote locked. Good way to find out who the bad guys are when you hear the click click of a inoperative gun. Did we ever get the EMP generators for the air locks?
That's actually a brilliant idea Vic. I was thinking about FOF locks, but secure weapon could actually work better. Maybe this sort of thing is more Charoux's game? Sending Charoux a PM now. Reminds me, would love to start up an EMP discussion topic soon. Figure out how it actually works. There are different rules bouncing around.

Edited 1477190535
Alby said: Thanks so much for putting that together! probably should state (and feel free to argue) that the shotguns there should be regular shotguns and not the fully automatic ones. Full auto shotguns would be banned at the same Law Level as gauss weapons. I get the feeling that if folks had to choose between a shotty and a gauss rifle then they'd choose the gauss every time. The thinking behind the shotguns was that they are outlawed only at high law levels, so they give our security guys an option when law would prevent any other kind of weapon from being used. who is going to be using the artillery b'dress? I take the point about the shotguns. Having watched Gev get shot while reloading his shotgun more than once, however, Crow's pretty determined that standard issue shotguns are going to be the ones with the nice, quick clips. We'll pick up some combat shotguns as well, for those instances where we're limited by local law.  VIC e. said: The arty b/dress was for the NPC with the skill. As for the TL 14 b/dress is that the advanced, i believe there is a mistake about the rescue opp B/dress, it says in the wright up its TL 13 and the stats are Tl 14.   As for assault shot guns, Gerald wants 1 and both Izek and Gerald want the Mauler shot pistol. The Gauss Ammo should all be APDS normal ammo doesn't cut it when it comes to armor and Also Wolfen, can we get the 20 mags for the assault shotguns? Hm. I thought the Artillery Battle Dress was for Izek. I assumed that he was so hard for it. Yeah, more than 5MCr for an npc's armor seems a bit much. Keep in mind that, we are NOT trying to make an army. Or a Star Marine platoon, or whatever.  As for the Rescue Battle Dress, it's TL 14 (Rescue Ops p. 15). So am I right then, that the only Player Characters who want/need Battle Dress are Taroon and RV? And yes, we can get some of the 20 round drums for the assault shotguns, but they're big and awkward, so let's keep the regular clips, as well, ok? On ammo in general: I'm buying a bouttload, especially of the rare or "specialty" stuff, because it's not going to go bad on us and it could be really hard to pick up some of this stuff up on the fly, if we suddenly run out. The same thing holds true to standard gear, especially the higher TL stuff; if it's hard  to get something and it's something crucial and frequently needed, I want to stock up while we can.  On the other hand, the converse is also true: if it's something we're very unlikely to actually need , I don't want to go crazy getting stuff just because we can (eg, "Waitress! Battle Dress, all around!"). Artemis Group's success, as well as our rep, are largely due to always trying to go into situations with as many options as possible, but getting the job done by exercising just the amount of force required. Wypoc notwithstanding, we try not to leave any more smoking craters than absolutely necessary. Also please keep in mind that, while the company is willing to go to great expense to equip the crew with the best tools possible for their jobs, special items for crew or officers, especially ones that don't actually have anything to do with the crew person's job, will have to come out that person's pocket. Sebastien is happy to assist crew/employees get access to any (legal) items they want, but that doesn't mean that Artemis is going to buy everybody whatever they want. VIC e. said: Secure weapon's, If all the crew weapons are secure weapons, can we not have the codes stored in the bridge? We could then transmit the codes, either direct to the weapon or to the soldier. The crew could keep their weapons with them if they wanted to and would only be able to use them when the bridge allows them. I absolutely agree that all of the weapons' access codes should be in the bridge's secure systems. I actually envisioned that we would have biometric access control, so specific crew people (or perhaps even some passengers) would have access to specific types of weapons. The weapons' HUD (or FOF transponders) links register in our systems whenever a crewperson "signs on" to a particular weapon or takes it off safety. LIkewise, we could give or rescind access to any weapon at any time remotely. As far as who should be allowed to keep which weapons, and which should be only issued at as needed, I don't see any reason to step on the Security Chief's paws in that matter. VIC e. said: Better yet we don't even need to tell the crew that the weapons are remote locked. Good way to find out who the bad guys are when you hear the click click of a inoperative gun. Did we ever get the EMP generators for the air locks? Playing games with people's loyalty is a good way to get hoisted with your own petard. Woo hoo! I always love it when I get to fit that phrase into a conversation! And, no, unfortunately, we were unable to recover/reuse the EMP generators at Wypoc. That did remind me to go back and make sure all of the stuff that we've purchased is EMP Shielded (where applicable). Other Items currently listed on the Ship's Locker Tab are not EMP Shielded unless specifically noted. EDITS: For typos and having read Alby's last post.
Can we get EMP generators for the air locks Izek is getting a "normal Advanced B/Dress" as you need B/dress 2 for the art, and izek only has it at 1. However if you can get him a B/dress skill soft as well he will have it. hehehe
          We have labs work shops and engineers, we also have the tool kits for the job, Cant we just buy 1 mill in raw materials and make our own ammo and bombs,            As for the Wypoc mission, we were given a but load of demo charges, What happened to them as we never did place them? Izek wants to know what made the place go BOOOOOOM if we didn't use our own explosives.
Just to make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to shotguns: Shotgun, Combat (TL 4): The combat shotgun is a single-barrel smoothbore weapon fed from an internal magazine. Operation may be semi-automatic, pump-action, or both at the user’s choice, depending on the design. The combat shotgun uses 18mm diameter shells normally containing six 7mm bullets (buckshot) but can also use birdshot (larger numbers of very small pellets) or flechettes ammunition which is roughly equivalent to birdshot. The magazine can be manually reloaded (at the rate of three shells per minor action) and typically holds six rounds. Some versions of the combat shotgun use detachable magazines holding up to 10 rounds but these are bulky and awkward to carry. This fella is the "regular" shotgun. Pretty sure this one is legal up until Law Level 7. Shotgun, Assault (TL 6): A heavy shotgun fed from a 7-round detachable box or a bulky 20-round drum , the assault shotgun is capable of semi-automatic or burst fire . It uses the same ammunition as other shotguns. Reloading with either type of magazine takes one minor action. This bad boy has burst fire. Happy to be corrected here, but I'm pretty sure the burst fire puts it into the "Assault weapon" catagory that is banned at Law Level 4. Just thought it'd be good to clear this up as folks are talking about 10 round mags and 20 round drums. The 20 round drum is for the Assault Shotgun. If we're specifically after a weapon that only gets banned at the higher Law Levels we're looking at the one that has the 10 round clip. If there were a way to temporarily modify Assault Shotguns so that they were a bit less "assault" maybe we could use them in high law settings with their 20 round drum? Real Life Australian law classes firearms based on mag capacity. So ... I duno. If we're fulfilling a government ticket or if the world is a participating democracy it could turn out that the Law Level doesn't really apply when it comes to weapons.

Edited 1477245942
VIC e. said: Can we get EMP generators for the air locks Izek is getting a "normal Advanced B/Dress" as you need B/dress 2 for the art, and izek only has it at 1. However if you can get him a B/dress skill soft as well he will have it. hehehe We can ask Bob about the airlock EMP generators tonight. I'm sure we can set that up, but I want to make sure that the EMP doesn't affect the ship's systems. If Battle Dress skill softs exist, I'm sure we can get them at Rhylanor. It's up to Izek if he really wants to become such a combat-centered guy. Sebastien will certainly make the purchases. The company will buy the armor, or he can pay for it if wants to be able take it with him if he leaves. The skill soft would have to be a personal purchase, although Sebastien would be happy to arrange the purchase and operation (if necessary). Charoux claimed those TDX charges. We'll be purchasing  Speaking of cyberware, I want to OK the release of the vargr cyberware we got at Wypoc to VR. Any objections? I suggest we allow any human who wants them to claim Maarg's cyber-bits, so that they can get installed while we're at Rhylanor, as well.  Alby said: Just to make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to shotguns: Shotgun, Combat (TL 4): The combat shotgun is a single-barrel smoothbore weapon fed from an internal magazine. Operation may be semi-automatic, pump-action, or both at the user’s choice, depending on the design. The combat shotgun uses 18mm diameter shells normally containing six 7mm bullets (buckshot) but can also use birdshot (larger numbers of very small pellets) or flechettes ammunition which is roughly equivalent to birdshot. The magazine can be manually reloaded (at the rate of three shells per minor action) and typically holds six rounds. Some versions of the combat shotgun use detachable magazines holding up to 10 rounds but these are bulky and awkward to carry. This fella is the "regular" shotgun. Pretty sure this one is legal up until Law Level 7. Shotgun, Assault (TL 6): A heavy shotgun fed from a 7-round detachable box or a bulky 20-round drum , the assault shotgun is capable of semi-automatic or burst fire . It uses the same ammunition as other shotguns. Reloading with either type of magazine takes one minor action. This bad boy has burst fire. Happy to be corrected here, but I'm pretty sure the burst fire puts it into the "Assault weapon" catagory that is banned at Law Level 4. Just thought it'd be good to clear this up as folks are talking about 10 round mags and 20 round drums. The 20 round drum is for the Assault Shotgun. If we're specifically after a weapon that only gets banned at the higher Law Levels we're looking at the one that has the 10 round clip. If there were a way to temporarily modify Assault Shotguns so that they were a bit less "assault" maybe we could use them in high law settings with their 20 round drum? Real Life Australian law classes firearms based on mag capacity. So ... I duno. If we're fulfilling a government ticket or if the world is a participating democracy it could turn out that the Law Level doesn't really apply when it comes to weapons. We've bought shotguns of both varieties, so we're covered regardless. I'd be happy to hear that we can use the 10 round mags for the combat shotguns.
mmmm i thought that Chuck Noris gave us sum, regardless what happened to them?
Secure weapons would be controlled from a panel in the Armory; an individual will request a weapon, and if access to such a weapon is authorized, that access will be granted. This panel can be remotely controlled from the bridge, in case of imminent mutiny, but the Armory would hold the central unit for this purpose. Secure weapons for ship use should have wireless deactivation; mission weapons will be separate, and not have wireless deactivation, in case the enemy tries to hack them. Charoux will maintain a degree of control over the Secure Weapon protocols, in case certain individuals go rogue, but will leave the matter of NPC weapons predominantly to HR, and those NPCs’s superiors.
I was originally thinking that everyone on board could be issued with a name tag. This tag would technically be a FOF tab that prevents things like automated guns and robots from shooting you. If you're security level goes down into red then the tag turns off and your suddenly standing in a shooting gallery. The same tags would also have prevented all issued weapons from shooting anyone with an active tag as all guns would have FOF safety. But to be honest I'm liking the Secure Weapon idea better. Or maybe we could have a combination of the two?
Rogue passengers issued such a tag would just steal a higher clearance tag from someone else. Also, fancy passengers wouldn’t take too kindly to being “branded like cattle”. Better to just let the Security Monitoring & Assessment Computer take care of that.
Tenacious Techhunter said: Rogue passengers issued such a tag would just steal a higher clearance tag from someone else. Also, fancy passengers wouldn’t take too kindly to being “branded like cattle”. Better to just let the Security Monitoring & Assessment Computer take care of that. Yeah, that's why I think that we should use biometric recognition on the weapons and other secure items and areas. That's an option that's open to us in both the  Secure Weapon option and the TL of the Athena's internal security. When somebody, crew, passenger or intruder, tries to access a secure weapon or area, the scanner "reads" them and queries the main system to learn the appropriate security level. If the person doesn't have high enough clearance, they're shut out. If they have no  clearance, Security is notified and/or local security measures can be activated.
local security measures can be activated. What like acid rain , poison gas, snakes, spiders and carnivorous horses ? oh yes please.

Edited 1477366242
Tenacious Techhunter said: Rogue passengers issued such a tag would just steal a higher clearance tag from someone else. Also, fancy passengers wouldn’t take too kindly to being “branded like cattle”. Better to just let the Security Monitoring & Assessment Computer take care of that. Well I figured they'd be bio encoded. In truth there's probably not much need for a physical tag. TL 7 facial recognition would would probably do the trick. The tag would be more for the security personnel to be able to recognize the clearance of any passenger or crew member. Again, computer could colour people in using the security guy's holo heads up display. As for the fancy passengers, I think there would need to be a security discussion with passengers as they come aboard. They're not on a passenger liner. They are on a warship. As such security measures are in place to ensure their own safety as well as the integrity of the ship. Openly displaying a badge will enable security personnel to instantly deal with unauthorized mooks. In theory they are only onboard with us because we are offering a higher level of security than regular passenger liners or trader ships. It would be weird for them to want extra security and then not be willing to wear a simple tag that security. If they don't get that then maybe they should just take the next free trader? Not like we don't have folks lining up to come on board. "Good morning ladies, gentlemen and other, my name is Chief Groughtok and I am the head of security on board the Artimise. Our automated defense systems are keyed to your biochemistry and facial features, but to ensure your safety it is mandatory that you carry your security pass with you at all times. Your security pass will allow you access to the areas I will show you in just a moment. Be advised that moving outside of those areas will instantly invalidate your security clearance and activate the automated defense systems." ... or something like that.
"Egad, man!" * Sebastien seems on the verge of physical violence for the first time since you met him .* "You 're the head of security aboard the 'Artimise!?!'" *Watkins' chest opens and a nasty (yet stylish) laser pistol flips out on a robotic arm, aimed at your head.* "The ship is the ICS Athena . The company is the A-R-T-E-M-I-S Group. Work with me, people!"
"Oh right ... Artemis, Athena ... whatever. I don't have enough coffee in me to be able to keep track of all your oddly named human goddesses.  "
Charoux coughs into his fist, and reminds Sebastien that we were all well aware that Kayleb consistently neglects reading the requisite company documents, and that, as such, while a severe reprimand is certainly in order, punishment, corporal or otherwise, is completely unjustified, as we promoted him while fully aware of that fact. After encouraging Sebastien to lower his weapon, Charoux collects the required documents, holds them in front of Runt’s nose, and says that if he fails to repeat the contents of those materials from memory satisfactorily by tomorrow, we’ll have RV beat him unconscious with the ones he forgets, and promote someone else that can prove they are capable of doing the complete job.
You people have some serious bugs up your arses. For frak's sake. I mean it's not like I fell down a well, or navigated us into an asteroid cluster, gazed into a crystal, or trusted psycopathic psions who ended up trying to nuke us, or shot anyone in the back with a laser gun, or botched a stealth mission, or broke open the shielding of a fusion powerplant with a launched grenade, or named the ship after a goddess who nobody has ever heard of ... I mean ... struth!
I mean it's not like I fell down a well, or navigated us into an asteroid cluster, gazed into a crystal, or trusted psycopathic psions who ended up trying to nuke us, or shot anyone in the back with a laser gun, or botched a stealth mission, or broke open the shielding of a fusion powerplant with a launched grenade, or named the ship after a goddess who nobody has ever heard of... Rrounllakhs:   "Oh I gotta corner this guy and hear the fullness of this.  I knew in my marrow that there was something peculiar about these humans.  Computer-thing.  Remind me to ask Runt during one of his Security meetings about this groups.....exploits."
It was a plasma power plant, ,the stealth part was blown as soon as we saw the robot, and i never NUKED an IMPERIAL PLANET!

Edited 1477433655
VIC e. said: bla bla bla .... and i never NUKED an IMPERIAL PLANET! ... You sure about that? Broken reactor could have caused a nutrino buildup in the core of the nuke that was sitting right next to it. Broken reactor could have been what caused the detonation. My point is, accidents happen. So let's just settle the frak down. If I'm going to get a weapon pointed at me each time I have a coffee deprivation induced grammatical slip up ... * shrugs * What's going to happen if I make an actual mistake?
Singularity implosion of the Humans Space, Runt.   You might want to stop what you are doing.  Don't blink.  Don't breathe.  Don't do anything at all. I'll take it from here......
Did you not say that you owned up to it? or some thing like that.
VIC e. said: Did you not say that you owned up to it? or some thing like that. No.
Runt hasn’t owned up to the nuking on Wypoc. If we were at all aware of it, he would have been, and would be, terminated immediately. Unnecessarily nuking the Imperial Scout Service is a complete and total no-no.

Edited 1477487682
Im pretty sure they weren't scouts. They were Psi Op/Naval Intelligence ( someone correct me if I'm wrong ). Nuking them was absolutely necessary. We warned them to stay away. Even with shots across the bow. You really think they weren't there to snuff us out? Even if they weren't, our job was to leave the place a clean slate. Letting folks investigate and document the aftermath of our little caper isn't exactly a sure fire way of making Norris' "problem" go away. The existence of the facility and everything in it is potentially incriminating to our client. So no more Institute scandal. No psionic spies on our tail. Clean break. You're welcome. ... anyhooooo ... This conversation kind of escalated to a crazy place. I was under the impression that this jokey banter was " kind of In Character, but not really ". I mean - is Sebastian actually pulling guns on people who get words wrong? I was assuming not but correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited 1477493478
Actually, I thought we were all up for blowing the place up. I might not have chosen to use a nuke, but it was our job to destroy the place. In all honesty, I thought about making a point of that when we were wrapping up that mission, but I figured that if it was important for Alby to do it Runt's way, and it still got destroyed, so it was all good.  I would not have wanted to kill the psi-spies, if I had my own way, but I have to admit that it did simplify our lives some, and probably pleased our patron to no end. And OF COURSE Sebastien (well it was Watkins, actually) is NOT pulling weapons on anybody. Probably ever. It was a joke, for crying out loud.
How ever you wrap up murder, its still murder and you have no idea about who most of that crew were, they were probable just her taxi
The finalized list of the gear that we picked up on Rhylanor is now complete. It can be found in  my scratch pad with the "Rhylanor 1" and "Mora" purchase tabs, entitled "Rhylanor 2." Everybody should find something in there to be psyched about. Izek, Taroon and RV got (company issued) Battle Dress. Izek's and RV's Battle Dress are equipped with gyro-stabilizers in addition to the other noted options. A gyro-stabilization set was also picked up for Runt's Battle Dress. The Athena's sensor suite has been expanded. We are also armed to the teeth in terms of personal weapons. Or fangs, as the case may be. There are a few new toys in there for Charoux, as well. I will leave it up to Kayleb to organize it all together in the Company Docs. Remember that you need to go through him to requisition any of this stuff. Company-issued gear cannot be painted, nor can the company insignia (if any) be covered up. Beyond that, some personalization may be permissible. See the Security Chief with any questions or concerns.