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[LFG] FFG Star Wars / A Song of Ice and Fire / Harry Potter - Tue / Wed / Fri evenings (GMT+2)


Edited 1475947422
Hi everyone, I’m looking to either join a Star Wars campaign using the FFG roleplaying system, a campaign set in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe (SIFRP) or an adventure at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. I’m available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays from 7:00 p.m. until midnight, and on Fridays a bit longer. I’m living in the CET timezone (GMT+1), but my country is observing daylight’s savings time until the end of October (CEST = GMT+2) A bit about me: I’m 24 years old german male student. I’m fluent in both German and English; therefore I’m looking for a campaign using either language. Video and Voice are both available. I’ve been playing RPGs since roughly one and a half years, mostly GMing Edge of the Empire campaigns and participating in one or the other one-shots using various systems.Currently, I’m GMing a Roll20 Star Wars campaign on Thursdays. While I love GMing, I realized during the last weeks and months that I need more experience as a player first to be able to improve my GM skills. As you can probably guess, I’m far more interested in role playing and immersing myself in my character and a fantastic world than in roll –playing, game mechanics and “beating” an evil dungeon master with his endless hordes of minions in a dungeon crawl. I’ve got ample experience using FFGs Star Wars roleplaying system and would love to play a character for once instead of playing as the GM. Unfortunately, I’ve never had the chance to play the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG yet, but I’ve got the latest edition of the core rulebook. I know that there is no official Harry Potter RPG, so I’m fine using any of the existing fan-made ones or a homebrew system. I’d love to play as a character for once, but I wouldn’t mind joining a group with rotating GM duty. Should a generous GM consider including me in his/her roleplaying group, I’d be happy to help in any way possible, of course. Thanks for reading! I hope to play with you soon!
If you are interested in other systems, I am trying to start a more Euro time friendly group.  It is a conversion of Princes of the Apocalypse to the Cypher System.  I can PM you a link to the LFG if interested.  It will be every other Saturday.
Thank you for your reply and invite, but unfortunately, my weekends are far too loaded with appointments to commit to any groups meeting regularly on Saturdays. I would be missing far too often to be able to join your group with a clear conscience. But I wish you a fun and entertaining campaign with your friends.
I'm still interested in joining a group...
Still looking...
I still haven't found a group...
Maybe if you can't find a game, you shall think on creating one? If you would go search for the game, you would notice that GMT+2 doesn't have Harry Potter or a song of Ice and Fire games to offer. I was looking for one myself since I joined roll20, in the same timezone.
Yes, I've thought about it. But I wouldn't have the time to commit to a game as a GM, unfortunately. And the creator of a game is automatically the game's GM in roll20. Are you still searching for a group? We could maybe band together. Thanks for the input and godd gaming!
I would be happy to try something new (something not WoD). However, I have no time to be a GM too, you know. I am not experienced enough to be one in the first place. :)
I'm currently setting up a Star Wars FFG game for Monday or Wednesday evening CET. I'm waiting for a reply before I know the day, I could let you guys know when he gets back to me if you want, should be sometime next week.
if its CET, I´d be interested as well if there are open spots left! Bits about me can be found here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Well, I'd certainly be interested in a CET Wednesday evening group!
I'd be interested in a Wednesday FFG group, as well.
So we have three, maybe four players (depending on Booo!) who are interested in a FFG Star Wars game on Wednesdays and potentially a GM as well (Zynwin). Finally! I really hope that we'll manage to start a campaign together!
Id be all over a FFG on wednesdays&nbsp;
I have never watched Star Wars before. So, I am not interested to that theme. Do not count me.