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D&D5E - Roleplay/Story Oriented || Campaign: Lortharia -- 2 more Players needed.


Edited 1476336385
((New Dungeon Master running D&D5E with a Homebrew Map and Homebrew Lore - New players fill free to apply in the listed Application Forum.)) Time/Day: Wednesday, Weekly, 3PM US Central Current Characters: Halfing Rogue, Barbarian Half-Orc, Warlock Drow ||| Description |||| Lortharia is a culture rich land with inspiration from the real world; such cultures include the Steppe Hordes, Byzantines, Ottomans, Venetians, Romans, Russians, Germans, Scandinavians, and more. Only a small percentage of the region is of 'civilized' lands, the rest is hardly explored if even slightly so. This is a region just on the edge of the Dark Ages. Lortharia is a region within a large, ancient world - where Elves have ruled the majority of the surface for hundreds of years acting as an Empire, ever so slowly expanding their borders year by year. Crossing through the Nuraj Desert the Elves have found their momentum coming to a standstill. Before the Elves lies a new Human Empire; where only a few decades ago they were but rag-tag Tribes battling over basic resources - One tribe came to power with the use of the fabled Dragonborn, and since then have ruled with an iron fist; eager to expand their borders and conquer the remaining tribes and beyond. || What lies beyond the civilized world? Beast, monsters, legends, rumors, and more. There are whispers of an Ancient Dwarven Kingdom that is no more, of mighty Horse Lords that when blessed by their Gods, turn into Horse-Men. But still, there is so much more to be discovered... Any questions involving the Lore to help fill out your character, please PM me.  -------------- Applications -------------- Note: Posting 'Interested' will not get you anywhere. We're looking for patient folks that are not Rule-Lawyers and are more concerned about the over-arching storyline than the rules themselves. New or experienced players are welcome, we're fine if you've never played before as long as you're not rude and impatient. So far the current party is: Half-Orc Barbarian, Halfling Rogue, and Drow Warlock Please fill out the following form, if we contact you it's either to let you know that you've been accepted in or that you have not been accepted. 1. What you prefer to be addressed as. 2. How long you've been roleplaying. 3. How long you've been playing D&D Styled games. 4. Why are you interested in this game. 5. How hectic is your schedule. Will you, as far as you know be able to make it to every Wednesday Game. 6. For what reason do you play D&D, what do you enjoy from the game. 7. What classes would you want to play. 8. What race. 9. Shortly describe your character idea. 10. What is half-swording. (Bonus)
1. Ramiro or my character name; either is fine with me 2+3. I've been playing D&D for a few years now and most of the time, I am DMing 5E. So I have a lot of experience with 5E and helping new players learn. 4. I miss being a player and I want to join a group where I can play as an adventurer.  5. I currently am in college, so my schedule is a little hepatic. Also, it depends on what time on Wednesday. 6. I just love being able to be someone who can help make a difference in a fantasy world. I also love going through a story with other people. 7. Monk (maybe ranger or cleric multiclass) 8.Half-elf. If you would allow it, I would prefer to play as a moon half-elf. It's a variant in the sword coast adventure's guide. 9. My character is a happy, light hearted, lawful good character. He loves to help people and thinks that everyone can be redeemed, so he doesn't kill. He tries to be nice to everyone and believes that mother nature is the greatest force of all.

Edited 1476336955
1. Jared or the character I would be playing as! 2+3. I've been playing roleplaying games for about 4 years now with a fairly extensive knowledge of the rules for 5e. 4. I love exploring homebrew continents as I feel each experience is unique to the DM and players! Story telling and being a part of an epic story is incredible fun! 5. I am free all day every Wednesday (My day off work) 6. I love using d&d as an escape, to roleplay and most importantly to have fun. 7. I am fairly versatile when it comes to character creation and would work with you guys to fill a role and create a rich character with depth to add to the story. 8. With a little more backstory on Lortharia I think I could pick a lore friendly race that meshes well with the group. 9. If you guys are willing to accept me I will start to brainstorm possibilities! I have many character ideas and concepts I have yet to play in a game! 10. To the best of my knowledge without looking it up: It is more a maneuver than style of sword combat where the attacker typically wearing plate armor and most importantly gauntlets grips his sword one hand on the hilt and one hand directly on the blade about half way down and uses this added leverage to puncture other plate armor wearing enemies. (slashing and stabbing without using the technique was highly ineffective against full plate armor)

Edited 1476374937
I would like to know the times on Wednesday before filling anything out further Edit: Nevermind I'm an idiot, can't make it
1. Imani 2. I roleplayed for 4 years (non tabletop gaming ) 3. I haven't yet , total beginner , desperate to look for a campaign that would have me 4. It's an interesting story , and I'd love to take part of such  well thought lore.  5. For now I am able to join the games, I have a chill schedule for now 6. I watched Critical role on youtube and I just wanted to partake  in such an awesome game as well.  7. Paladin ,Druid ,Warlock 8. Half-Orc, Gnome, Tiefling 9. A paladin Half-orc with the name Sharook. She's chaotic neutral, and outlander background. with good stats  10. Taking hold of the blade of the sword.