Howdy, kids! Gold encouraged me to make a post to introduce myself, so here I am. I'm fairly new to D&D, and I'm really new to Roll20. A little about my D&D experience: I play in two games (on the same weekends) every other week IRL. My Saturday game is a fairly serious 2E home brew that is an island archipelago hopping adventure. The DM and a couple of the other players have been playing that game for 2+ years. They are very tolerant of us newbs to the group learning the ropes and about the DM's very fascinating world. In that game, my character is a lvl 3 (almost lvl 4...here's hoping for lots of xp from last weekend's game) cavalier, and we are all currently working on creating secondary characters. The DM is having us try the Skills and Powers options for our secondary characters. I have a half-orc barbarian for who we are still working on. She is going to be a very dark character. Not sure if I'll be able to pull it off. My Sunday game is a more goofy 3.5 home brew that's kind of like a Zelda game. I play a lvl 4 paladin named Elder Xanaxia Alprazolam who wears magic underwear which gives her +2 vs evil on save rolls. My avatar is Xanaxia's tattoo of her god Heironeous, and her religion is "inspired" by The Book of Mormon. She passes out homemade holy symbols as she travels with her companions to try to get people to convert to Heironeous. "Hello. My name is Elder Alprazolam, and I would like to share with you the most amazing holy symbol." Typing that up just made me realize that my characters like to hit things...I should try something different in the near future. Hmmm... If I could have my way, I would love to find a game on alternate weekends that I already play to get my weekly D&D fix, but I have a stupid, inconsistent work schedule that often involves working weekends. And, I travel for work, so that can potentially cut into D&D time too. Stupid work...always getting in the way of having fun. (For reference, 11/5 is a day that I could be available, but I'm out of town for a conference this weekend.) Anywho, I hope to get in on a one shot game at some point to start to learn about Roll20 and meet some fellow geeks (or however you identify). I'm really bummed about missing the Halloween game tomorrow, but I'm sure that there will be other one shots in the near future. Hope to see you around the Tavern! Meg