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Dynamic Light layer question


Edited 1382721040
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I was wondering if I was missing something on how to add outlines other than using drawn shapes on that layer. My issue is I have a LARGE dungeon map with round rooms, corners, and hallways. I went and took my dungeon map, cut out a 'negative' layout of it in Photoshop using transparency of the rooms. and dropped it into the dynamic light layers so it covered the solid areas. I was assuming it would take any solid part of that image and block light..while the cut outs would allow light but it didn't seem to work that way. Am I doing something wrong to get this to work? it would take days of work to try to draw outlines of all 200+ rooms, not to mention the round parts to get a convincing working model on it. Is this even possible? to use objects on the dynamic layer as light masks...if not, is there an easier way to do it? Seems over complicated to have to spend more time editing a map, than the time they would spend total playing on it :P
Roll20 Team
Presently dynamic lighting requires vector lines drawn on the tabletop on the Dynamic Lighting Layer. You'd have to trace the walls using Roll20's drawing tools to get this to work, unfortunately.

Edited 1382721168
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah no worries then :) Thought I maybe had to set a value or attribute on my image to make it work, and I was missing it. maybe they will add more than squares or lines as drawing tools one day :D At least I know it wont work that way, and will figure out some kind of work around. thanks for the quick answer.
Between the squares, circles (which display as squares in-use), polygon tool, and freehand, there's plenty of functionality as it is. The thing to remember is that it's easier to block out the 'negative' areas than just make a square around a room and call it done. You'll find down the line that you want transitions between hallways, curved paths, and doors, and the polygon tool works well for that when you use it to make curves and surround rooms and halls, but leave a space for the door, which you put in as it's own line so you can delete it when players open the door.
Forum Champion
William , send me a join link and I can come take a look at your map. I can suggest ways to speed your process. - Gauss
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sure thing! sending it now