I just noticed this, and I actually didn't even think of it till after I had already used the map. The Swordcoast map provided is a GM map. Yet is used as a player map for some reason. It has every single location listed. It could be forgiven but it has things like the location of the oracle. Why is this on the map? I don't believe these locations are suppose to be known and be of common knowledge. It seems like it could ruin the game if they just said "Hey this sounds cool, let's go there!". The map as is contains spoilers and possible chapter advancement before theyre suppose to happen. There should be a player map AND a GM map. This is pretty clearly an error as looking at the guy who made the map, he has the ACTUAL version available for $10. Which looks like I have to buy that map in order to play this as it was meant to be. Pretty big oversight. I feel like I should be getting a $10 dollar credit. Harshnag is suppose to take the characters to the Eye of the All Father and gives a map to the PCs for the locations of the Giant Lords, but they're both already on the map....