I know, it is generally held that this game doesn't exist in the D20 format. I have simply used a basic macro for the tests using the LUG version. That aside, we are scheduled to begin playing relatively regularly on every Sunday at NOON EST. We currently have 4 players holding the positions of Captain, 1st Officer, Chief Security/Tactical Officer and Chief Medical Officer/Counselor. Three main positions remain: Science/Ops, Engineering and Helmsman. The Helmsman position may go NPC and I may split the Science and Ops positions (given the interest level to fill the positions). The time period is just after the supernova that destroyed Romulus & Remus and we are not using the JJ Abrams altered timeline (continuing the current timeline in which Spock is thought dead-my version of this timeline). If you can commit the 3-4 hours of time each game day and enjoy role playing your part, PM me. First scheduled day is New Year's day 2017.