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5e Weapon Macros not working, looks awful and hard to read.

Hey guys! Was literally seconds away from starting today's session, when all of a sudden the rolls seemed... really messed up. For example, in the 5e sheet I currently use, it comes up with a nice fancy little box for everything to go in. I can't show you an example, because it's not working anymore. But it now looks like this:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Anyone able to help me? I /really/ need some help.
I am seeing the same thing!
Same here, all is messed up. Seems the display code is not working, getting odd html code that is not end tagged.
+1. This needs fixing and fast.
yep, every 5e OGL sheet roll in my game now looks like that too.
Seems a fix released:- <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>