Hello, I have defined a lot of token action in my NPC Characters. I do it in a serialized way because I don want to enter the character sheet while DMing, because it slows the game a bit. An the order helps me complete the NPC sistematically. I have an issue regarding this actions though. Now and then without any apparent reason (it usually happens while I am modifying them for a new character, but not exclusively ) all the Abilities become unsorted, and consequently also do the token actions. It is very annoying drag all the Abilities in order again. I have started naming them with numbers at the beginning, and tick the box to sort them alphabetically, but this only sorts the actions on the token, not inside the Atributes and Abilities tab. Any clue of what can I do to prevent this? In case it helps providing any insight in my problem I access roll20 through Firefox in Ubuntu and Chrome in Windows. It would be very helpful if you could implement different tabs or folders for grouping them, it will also help minimizing my problem.