So, I've been trying to find a nice version of a Magic Missile implementation. The 5E OGL just rolls three missiles together, which is fine, but I can think of plenty of situations where you might want to separate them onto other targets. Is there a good implementation of this out there that isn't API driven?
I'm thinking of building one to put into Abilities, but that gets the problem of dealing with the higher levels and creating lots of 'hollow targets' if you want to direct them. (i.e. if there could be 5 different targets, you can't select 3 of 5, you have to select all 5)
I'm thinking of building one to put into Abilities, but that gets the problem of dealing with the higher levels and creating lots of 'hollow targets' if you want to direct them. (i.e. if there could be 5 different targets, you can't select 3 of 5, you have to select all 5)