The Roll20 Roundtable Hour is a place for our users to meet up with us in a live format, ask questions, and get some insight into the inner workings of Roll20. View the announcement post here . To help us prepare in advance for the show, please share your questions below -- remember keep it brief and keep it civil, please review the CoC to ensure you post by the rules of the site. Users are limited to 2 short questions each and we ask that you start a new reply for each of your questions to help us organize all of your responses. Any questions not answered in the live roundtable will be addressed in this thread by our staff before the next roundtable event. If you find a question in this thread that you really want us to answer live, please quote it and add a +1 so we can count up the most popular questions. Please try not to repeat questions that have already been asked. If you are interested in discussing the questions you see in this thread, please join us live on Twitch this Tuesday, March 28th at 11am Pacific Time. See you Tuesday! *This event has ended. Please see the [Responses] Roll20 Roundtable Hour #1 - Q1 2017 thread for answers the questions below and a link to the live event.