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Closing in on 300 (Free Art)

Alright, so it's been ages since I posted on here about it but I've kept up my production of tokens and textures over the year and now I'mapproaching 300 bits and pieces of graphics (many of them are differently coloured versions of the same thing though). Seeing as this was the case I felt that maybe it was time to throw up the link again. Below are a few of the more recent items, please offer constructive criticism or feedback :) And just to be clear, I made all the graphics found on that link myself, from the ground up, all the rights belong to me without exception and you're all free to make use of them without paying so long as you do not in any way profit financially from that use.
So, the next project has begun, namely modern rooftops, buildings, roofs and related things. Mostly going to focus on "cityscape" stuff for this round,but if anyone has anything else they want to suggest feel free to fire away!