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5E shaped Companion token defaults


Edited 1491313712
I use !shaped-apply-defaults to a selected token and it just gives me an error message and says to check the log. I purchased the Monster Manual and dragged a monster to the table, but I use Bar3 for HP and Bar1 for AC.  So I want to adjust the token and set it that way as well as put the aura/health around it.  I also have one PC that won't let me apply things to his token as well.  Not sure what it might be.  It works on all my other ones. Ok, I think I figured it out.  I had to use !shaped-update-character and THEN use the defaults command.  It seemed to work fine.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
OGL format has to convert to the Shaped format first. You must always open the sheet or update the character via API as you've discovered.