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Map just turned black???


Edited 1491759027
**FIXED** I opened a map page that was previously existing from my Yawning portal pack and it shows as all black.  I checked another one and it also shows as all black.  The third one I am working in looks fine. Two days ago, all 3 of these maps looked just fine.  I did not change any map settings on any pages.  Has anyone heard of this happening?  How should I troubleshoot this? Okay, I'm totally an idiot.  I was using Ctrl-L on my map and when I moved to another map it carried that command and since there was no PC on that new map I could not "see" anything.  I removed the "token view" and everything is back to normal.  False alarm.  Left this here though just in case someone else has that problem.

Edited 1491759158
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Check your page settings and see if your  dynamic lighting is turned on or the  fog of war is turned on. If the dynamic lighting is turned on, you will need a token that emits light. Ok.