I've very interested in celebrating my 50th birthday year by creating and running a homebrew game with a world that is a mix of Six-Gun westerns, Victorian stuff and Lankhmar-Style Sorcery. However, before I put a crap-load of work into it, I wanted to gauge what interest there might be in such a game. It would be an every other week, Saturday evening (6 pm to 10 pm) sort of thing. I've gotten my feet wet with Roll20 running D&D5e for my friends. Now it's time to expand! (Maybe. ;) ) This is NOT a PROMISE to run a game. This is simply a weak attempt to figure out if it would be worth the effort to put together. To get a gander at my style of gaming, go to Rat's Workshop . It's a ... eh... pretty rough cut, but it'll give you an idea.