Strange thing happened after my session last Wednesday night. The next day, I was testing out some things, and realized that my initiative buttons were no longer adding to the Turn Tracker. The rolls seem to be working fine, except for adding to the tracker. There hasn't been any change to the code on my end in a few months.
Here's a copy of the macro using Power Cards version 3.2.23
Here's a copy of the macro using Power Cards version 3.2.23
!power {{
--name|**@{Name} Initiative**
--Step|[[ ?{Step|@{DexStep}+@{DexMod}+@{InitMod}-@{ArmorMod}-@{Wounds}} ]] + [[ ?{Karma #|0} ]] Karma, [[ ?{Strain #|0} ]] Strain
--Rolled|**[[ [TRKR] [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] + floor([[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1]] / 11)]]d20! + [[{2, 4, 5, 6, 7}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 3}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] + {1e3, 3}=[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 2]]d[[{{(?{Step} - 1) * 2, 4}kh1, {12} }kl1]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (1 - {3, 6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 4, 8}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d[[10 - {4, 5, 8, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 4]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * ({0, 5, 7, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 1}kh1 % 11]] + 2 * {6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d8! - [[{1, 2}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (3 - [[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]])]] + ?{Karma #}d@{KarmaDie}! ]]**
!modattr {{
--charid @{character_id}
--Karma|-?{Karma #}
--Uncon|?{Strain #}
--name|**@{Name} Initiative**
--Step|[[ ?{Step|@{DexStep}+@{DexMod}+@{InitMod}-@{ArmorMod}-@{Wounds}} ]] + [[ ?{Karma #|0} ]] Karma, [[ ?{Strain #|0} ]] Strain
--Rolled|**[[ [TRKR] [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] + floor([[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1]] / 11)]]d20! + [[{2, 4, 5, 6, 7}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 3}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] + {1e3, 3}=[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 2]]d[[{{(?{Step} - 1) * 2, 4}kh1, {12} }kl1]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (1 - {3, 6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 4, 8}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d[[10 - {4, 5, 8, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 4]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * ({0, 5, 7, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 1}kh1 % 11]] + 2 * {6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d8! - [[{1, 2}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (3 - [[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]])]] + ?{Karma #}d@{KarmaDie}! ]]**
!modattr {{
--charid @{character_id}
--Karma|-?{Karma #}
--Uncon|?{Strain #}