Hi, I'm searching the best way to organize my GM stuff. Since I'm preparing a sort of Sandbox game campaign (huge number of side quests, NPCs, facts, places, without any Main Quest that players have to solve to save the world), I'm having a hard time in keeping things behind the scenes clear and tidy. So far I've created a lot of wrapping macros and links to handouts so to have a menu like a tree with branches and submenus. For example for the quest: "The disappearing of Solomon" I have one big macro that opens a menu in the chat window and from there I can then click on submenus that lead to further sections and details. This system, although time consuming to set up, allow me to run the game smoothly. The negative aspect is that my macro folder is filled with very little macros, such as: &{template:desc}{{desc=You find bla bla bla}}. To overcome this issue I've tried to assign a Character Sheet and a token to a Quest, to put it somewhere on the GM Layer and make all the macros I need as Attributes and Abilities of that Sheet and then set them as token actions. The goal should have been to have the macro buttons appear only with the Quest token selected, but it seems that I'm not able to use a specific sheet-linked macro to call another macro that belongs to the same sheet, so I still need to write the macros in the collection section. Has somebody any tip?