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[LF1M] D&D 5e - Saturdays @ 6 PM EST - Weekly


Edited 1494423073
API Scripter
Schedule : Starts 6:00pm EST and usually ends around 11:00pm EST but with the option to go later, depending on parties interest. Campaign Start Date: Shooting for the 13th (this Saturday) For session #0 Campaign Level: 1-10+ Campaign Length: Due to the campaign level bracket, players can expect the campaign to last about 7-10 sessions (guesstimated) Starting Level: 1 Required Players : 3-4 (1 space left) "The world as you know it is perfectly normal. Most of you have grown up living simpler lives in the dense slum city of Orion. Going to an fro working your various professions, or getting up to trouble, you and your soon to be party members, live relatively safe lives, protected from what lives out side of the impermeable 'steel' like ring around the city, working as a protective barrier. It's origins, while entirely speculative, have deep cultural ties going back as far as anyone can recall, showing up in the earliest folklores. Stories that you all seem to hung onto a bit longer than most while growing up. See "setting" below for more Requirements To Join Requires Skype/Discord for voice chat - if/when roll20 audio dies. 18+ years old Must blend well with existing members Must be comfortable with moderate amounts of homebrew content Must be willing to engage in the campaign, role play, etc. &nbsp; Current Setting Adventure's are rare here, many perish in the wilds of The Outlands, the ruler of Orion has put out a general plea to the everyone, literally anyone, who is brave enough to embark.....Naturally some of you may be 'volunteered' as atonement for something (You know what you did) Players can expect a more combat oriented campaign, with an emphasis of exploration and opportunities for role play in the shared narrative. The campaign is built for level 1 through 10, with option to extend depending on how things go. How To Get an Invite Either send me a direct message, or reply to this thread with your availability and likelihood of committing to a 7-10 session campaign (weekly), along with a very brief explanation of your experience with both roll20 and 5e. Invitations are prioritized based on who i think would be the best fit. Feel free to ask questions Listing <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Only Plus and Pro subscribers can make their games visible to the public ; by default a link such as <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ... is only visible to players already in the game. The best way to handle this situation is to create a Looking for Group listing ; even if you do not enable it for viewing in the LFG Directory you can share the link with others and have a separate Listing Discussion forum just for those potentially interested in your game. As a bonus, anyone who posts to your game's Listing Discussion forum will have a big blue button by their username and all a GM has to is click 'Invite to Game' and an invitation will be sent their way. I hope this helps, happy gaming! :)