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LFPs 5E Mondays, DM group-time tbd but likely USA timezones


Edited 1495415141
Hello all. First and foremost, I want to say that this group will be a new group. It will not be a group in progress. This group will likely not start for maybe up to a month. Absolutely not before these next 2 weeks. So expect a good chance on 3-5 weeks before we start. That being said, I had a spur of the moment idea to DM again after playing for a while now. I like the idea of playing with others who have been DMing for a long time so that they can have a chance to play. The reason I want to wait to start is because I want to devote the time to make this campaign really good and fun. All DMs know how much time is committed to prepare content for games, or how much is improved! (best FYI). Having this 3-5 week gap will give me time to write the campaign, as well as, and no offense, hopefully weed out players who game hop. I'm in this to do it, and not get jerked around. Those of you who are willing to commit and be in this with delayed gratification, those are the individuals I'm interested in. As far as your DM experience, I will say that this will be a mature group. Feel free to be graphic with your kills. Feel free to cuss. I would prefer those of you who have DM'ed at least a few campaigns. This whole area is a grey subject though, and please don't feel like you can't apply to join the group because you don't think you have enough experience. But if you've never DM'ed before, sorry. The idea for the group is to be a DM group. And because everyone will ask. Rules. Mostly RAW, but homebrew a few things. Expect monsters to maybe not match exactly the MM. Maybe it will match 100%, maybe none at all. Magic is a weird thing. sometimes, magic could cause weird effects when a large amount general magical energy is released. (should note, this isn't something that you can control, or try to make happen. but sometimes magic will be weird. If X Then Y) The world you will be starting in, PHB and Volos everything in them is fine. There is no UA or EE. However, classes, you can use the new ranger if you so choose. And before you shoot me, I hate the gunslinger. that's out :-( sorry. (it's mainly my fantasy games aren't advanced enough for guns.) This also goes for spells. Spells in the PHB. I'm not being mean. I promise. I have a fun and cool idea for this campaign. Spell components, im not going to make you keep track of components. But if we are playing at higher levels, and rez spells, or other spells make you use something actually valuable, I make you deduct the gold as if you had to buy it. case by case basis given the situation the group is in if components could be bought.  Last rule off the top of my head that I homebrew. Identification. I dislike how the attuning and identify work in RAW. So I changed it a little to make finding items actually fun and interesting. I have playtested this and it has worked out rather well. Attunement. The idea to me is that when you attune to the item, you coordinate your energies with that of the magical energies of the item to bond it to you. so, if you don't know what the item does, how can you attune to it? It never made sense to me that ANYONE could think REALLY hard about an item for what, 30 minutes? and know what it does. yea i know RAW attunement still curses you if its cursed if you dont ID it. but the point to me is that you are trying to connect with the magical energy. so you can only attune to something if you know it's magical essence. Identify spell. This change actually makes use of the ID spell. Currently, it's a ritual so it's like free to cast and you could be all like im going to cast ID on every item i own, and all their items. That's what i do for 8 hours. Kind of pointless. So I implemented this. 1 ID per person casting, per item. (please ask if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) Essentially you can cast id on an item once per day. Then you roll a D100. Based on that roll is what if any info is given to you. Chart for rolls is as follows: 1-35 = Fail 36-70 = You know if cursed, you know 1d2 properties, you know if attune. 71-85 = Another 1d2 properties 86-100 = Critical success, Full ID With that said, the text on the current ID spell, ignore it. The whole touching somebody this will work sure. (but who does that? lol) Last thing I need to note to you that are interested and have read this far, is that I expect more from your backstories. I need meat AND potatoes. Full details on immediate family at a minimum. Ages, occupations, hobbies. Anything you write is fair game for me to use. You don't have to write a novel, but Give it some depth. you never know what I may pull from your stories...give me some stuff to work with! I am thinking of going with a 5 player group. strict 5 players. anymore and everything starts to take too long, and it's not like we are all chilling at my place you know? tough to sit at a pc when combat takes 4 hours. My goal is once I've got a grasp on who I'd like to join us, and they have their characters made, They will be put through a 1 shot with their character, to bring us to where we'll be starting a campaign. Again, if you have questions, please ask. To close the post, I want to say thanks for reading, I hope you are interested. I sometimes ramble when I type. also when I speak. Some other pertinent information: Weekly Mondays (we'll hash out exact time, but likely pm-ish?) also on that note, i don't care where you live as long as you speak english well enough, and you can make our game times. We use discord for voice. No cameras (too hard for everyone to have one honestly) Please post questions only in this thread. Please PM me if you are interested, with a little about you and your experience and we will go from there. Thanks!
Friendly bump.
Hey there! I was actually just posting on the forum about something exactly like this! I've been DMing Pathfinder for around 6 years. I've played.... Maybe a month's time (so about 8 sessions). My friend and I are all that's left of our 6 man play group. We would love to here more about the schedule so we can possibly join!

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Hi there! As far as the schedule goes, the exact start time will depend on the group. But I imagine it will start relatively close to 8pm EST. If this time slot would work for you and your friend, then send me a private message and we can go from there!
Friendly bump. We have 2 players so far. We still need 3 more. Please send me those pms so we can chat!
Update, we have a few applicants who show promise, and still have maybe 2 spots to fill. maybe 1. either way, still need to chat with a couple more people who are interested in this!