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Nesting Macros

Is there a way or command to nest Macros from the Character Sheet instead of having to create separate macros for each game ?
Sheet Author
Hi. Could you elaborate a little bit more what you want to achieve? If you have control over the source code of a character sheet you can of add nesting macros to it, e.g. in the context of a roll button. Greetings
What I mean is I have nested Macros for calling all the skills.  So I have them in macro page for Arcana, etc and they whisper nicely to me to pick from.  I have added all the same skill Macros to the sheet and have the Nested Macro call on the sheet but it is pulling from the macro page is there a way to change the nested call to pull from the character sheet ?  When I have tried to edit it previously it breaks all the buttons.  I dont have it up at the moment but I am thinking it is something like !13, etc....
The Aaron
API Scripter
Do you mean that you have Macros in the collections tab with Rollable Tables and Decks, and you're trying to migrate to Abilities on the Character's Attributes and Abilities Tab and you want to know how to call them? Calling a macro (See  here ): #macroname Calling an ability (See  here ): %{character|ability_name}
Andrew C
Marketplace Creator
I suspect he is struggling with the various HTML entries. Without seeing the macro, can't help heaps on that front. Sometimes a change in structuring solves the issue, but not always.
instead of using the character name use @{selected|...}
Elbuort said: When I have tried to edit it previously it breaks all the buttons.  I dont have it up at the moment but I am thinking it is something like !13, etc.... It sounds like you're running into an issue with HTML entities, as Andrew suspects. Reopening a Collections Macro reverts HTML entities; if that Macro is then saved, those reversions are as well. This behaviour is not present within Abilities . Are you trying to build a 'menu' using API Command Buttons ? e.g. &{template:default} {{Skills=[Arcana](!
#Arcana) ... [Stealth](!
The above looks like exactly what I am using in my macro pages calls.  So yes I am trying to use that to call the Macros from the sheet now instead of the macros from the macro page but when I do the call to the page it seems to break the first one and no buttons then show.
As a secondary issue I have a character named Dusk.  When I call the macros from his sheet some of them do not work but if I change the name to other longer named character sheet they work just fine.  Is this a problem because the name is so short ?...Examples to follow shortly as I dont have the characters open at the moment.

Edited 1495714762
OK examples this works fine %{Tagenfor|arcana} as does this %{selected|arcana} The nested I have is this /w tagenfor &{template:default} {{ [Arc](! ,#Arc) [Dct](! ,#Dct) [Hst](! ,#Hst) [Ist](! ,#Ist) [Inv](! ,#Inv) [Percept](! ,#Percept) [Suade](! ,#Suade) [Slp](! ,#Slp) [Web](! ,#Web) }} And if I have the macros in the macro area of game it works fine, if I dont I get #Arc and if I change that to %{Tagenfor|arcana} or %{selected|arcana} it breaks the nested script. On the separate issue %{Dusk|arcana} it works but if I try %{Dusk|stealth} I get back the same listing in the chat window but it works on other character sheets fine.
Does Dusk have a macro named Stealth in the abilities page? Try to make sure Ability names are different than the roll buttons on the sheet. I once made an initiative macro and named it Initiative and broke a bunch of stuff.

Edited 1495719947
Use Ability Command Buttons to call Abilities: &{template:default} {{Skills=[Arcana](~Tagenfor|Arcana) [Perception](~selected|Perception) [Stealth](~Dusk|Stealth)}}
Thank you all problems solved I was indeed calling the button Stealth I shortened it to Stlth and it now works fine.  Changed the button call to ~selected and now it also works great :D
Glad that it worked for you! Happy rolling