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fx errors on custom fx

I made this custom fx which, according to the fx playground, should look just about like a burning hands spell.  But when I put it into a custom fx in my game and run the command it just shows a line from my source token and when I click on the target it disappears and nothing happens.  Any ideas why??? { "maxParticles": 750, "size": 20, "sizeRandom": 2, "lifeSpan": 25, "lifeSpanRandom": 2, "emissionRate": 20, "speed": 5, "speedRandom": 1, "gravity": [0.4, 0.2], "angle": -1, "angleRandom": 45, "startColour": [220, 35, 0, 1], "startColourRandom": [62, 0, 0, 0], "endColour": [220, 35, 0, 0], "endColourRandom": [60,60,60,0], "sharpness": 40, "sharpnessRandom": 10 }

Edited 1496680368
In case you haven't fixed it yet - here's what the wiki says: Earlier examples only work in the "FX Playground" - the gravity parameters have since been updated to the format "gravity": {"x": 0.01, "y": 0.01}. Making this correction will allow most of these to work. Sharpness appears to be deprecated. FX Playground only examples will be marked as such. So, replace your gravity bit with {"x": 0.4, "y": 0.2}, and it works. (Although, that makes it only work in one direction, probably better to remove the gravity)