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[LFDM] D&D 5e - Group of new players looking for a DM for our first game

Hi everyone, We are a group of 4 beginner D&D players, looking for a DM. We would like you to have some experience (evidently we’re going to need some guidance), but by all means there’s no need to be a professional! All of us are based in England (GMT+1) and are available on weekends (and some evenings if needed). We would like to play weekly, and can work with you to figure out the best timing to suit us all. Please see below a little bit about ourselves and our D&D characters. Looking to get started ASAP, so please let us know if you’d like to take us on. Thanks very much! Player 1 info: Hannah, 22 I am a recent university graduate, now working for a science company despite the fact I know nothing about science. I was relentlessly pressured into gaming by my best friend, and his persistence paid off as I love it! Complete newbie, no previous experience to speak of. I have watched some D&D games though, and I think my imaginative mind and constant day-dreaming is well suited! Character Info: Anastrianna Tydaes - Elf Druid Heartbroken by the love of her life who left her for another elf, Anastrianna ventures alone into the neighbouring forbidden woods to escape her reality. There, she meets a magical tree who blesses her with druid powers in a bid to grant her a new start in life. Unable to return home and face her former partner and his new lover, she creates a home for herself in the woods; surrounded only by wild animals who become her best friends and closest confidants. After spending 5 years alone in such solitude, Anastrianna is ready for adventure and to begin the next chapter of her life. Player 2 info: Kyle, 21 I am a Maths/Physics student. Never played but have seen D&D 5e played before and have read up on the rules. Character Info: Niyre Aanor - Halfling Rogue Born to a single mother after his father walked out, Niyre spent his younger years in a bad part of the city struggling for money. Despite the circumstances, his mother tried her best in raising the young halfling and encouraged him to strive for a better future for himself. He spent much of his childhood in local libraries, learning as much as he could about the world, his favourite topic being the Arcane arts. During his teen years, his mother fell ill and as her condition worsened, he increasingly began to pickpocket in order to fund her care. Eventually, she died and Niyre was forced into pickpocketing full time so he could keep up with the rent payments for his family home which he couldn't bear to lose. Now addicted to alcohol, he tries to uphold his mothers values, and only pickpockets from the rich; gaining a popular reputation amongst the poor as he pays for their drinks in the taverns. Player 3 Info: Marc, 22 I am a Maths graduate and aspiring teacher. Character Info: Thargos of Bloodmere - Half-Orc Barbarian Raised as an orphan by Darkos, the leader of the savage Orc tribe of Bloodmere, Thargos found himself being moulded into a fearless barbarian from an early age. Being the only Half-Orc in his tribe, his loyalties were often debated, but any mention of his human blood was swiftly dealt with by his father. As his rage began to develop, Thargos realised that he longed for adventure and left the home that never truly accepted him. Allergic to nuts. Player 4 Info: Sean, 22 Currently working full time in the Tax Office, considering returning to university when I've got enough money. Avid gamer. Character Info: Lesley the Short - Human Monk Born into a long-line of exceptionally tall monks. Subject to passive-aggressive ridicule from his peers due to his height topping off at a measly 6’4”. In spite of his peers derision he persisted in his studies, trying to achieve enlightenment. Realising that there was more to life than he can learn from his temple's dusty tomes, Lesley opted to leave his home, in order to expand his knowledge of the world.
You seem like a decent group, and while I usually play Pathfinder, I know my way around 5th as well and would love to try to work something out. However, I only have an idea as it stands, and would need to set-up time. You say you wanted to play ASAP, how ASAP? xD A bit about me: I'm 26 years old, from Denmark and a GM of 12 years, having started with D&D 3rd. I see myself as patient and helpful, and thus would love to teach a new batch of roleplayers! :3

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This post is a Roll20 DM's dream come true... Four reasonable players that already know each other?! Wild. Wish you all the best!
Finn said: This post is a Roll20 DM's dream come true... Four reasonable players that already know each other?! Wild. Wish you all the best! Agreed! As a GM I think I would enjoy playing with these people. Unfortunately, I am American and only run at night; that would be a 6am game for you and I won't make anyone get up that early! Good luck!
i'm actually almost done with preparations for a game, should you be interested ;)
Hey Beaver, Thanks so much for showing your interest in being our DM! We've had quite a few messages about it and as a group we are going through them now :)
Alrighty! :)
Hello! I am a vaatly experienced DM looking to start up a game on either weekdays or weekends. There is just perhaps one hiccup, that being that for these games is would require a smaller payment. I do completely understand if you feel disgusted with the notion of paying to play tabletop games. But if you don't, and feel that you want an experienced and flexible DM who has a background of teaching people from scratch how to play dnd, I will give you the link to the page where you will find more information here under. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
i am a forever DM with a ton of experience across many rulesets and would be happy to DM for you guys.