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[5e OGL Sheet] List all 'repeatable' actions


Edited 1498488430
API Scripter
Howdy all, I'm curious to know if there's a macro that lists available repeatable actions, so the players can chose from an action in the chat log output, instead of opening up the sheet? Not sure if this has been asked/accomplished yet, but i did some searching and couldn't find something like this.
There are macros that can be built for it, but it needs to be built per character because the macro won't know how many actions you have. Here is a little macro that I made for the first 3 attacks. Add more lines for additional weapons. i.e. $3 for attack number 4 ect. /w "@{selected|character_name}"&{template:atk} {{desc=**Weapon attacks:** ``[@{selected|repeating_attack_$0_atkname}](~selected|repeating_attack_$0_attack)`` ``[@{selected|repeating_attack_$1_atkname}](~selected|repeating_attack_$1_attack)`` ``[@{selected|repeating_attack_$2_atkname}](~selected|repeating_attack_$2_attack)`` }}
API Scripter
It's beautiful, thank you sooo much!
I'm glad I could help.