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[LFG] [super newbie] D&D 5e preferred, but open to other game systems , In EST time zone

 I'm a new player looking for a fun and casual group to play with weekly. I'm hoping to get a group of people who are fun to play with , casual, have varying humor and make the game enjoyable and full of shanningans and laughs. For a DM I'm looking for someone who isn't super rule heavy as to allow the players a bit of freedom, but doesnt allow them to just run wild, and who doesn't mind helping me learn more about the game since I haven't played, my only experience is from actual play podcasts and thats what sparked my interest in the game.
Do you have discord?
The Shadow said: Do you have discord? Yes!
Username plz, you can pm me the username if you like
The Shadow said: Username plz, you can pm me the username if you like Sent
I am very interested in this because I have not played and would like to learn. I thought this would be a good chance because you don't sound like you have played much either. I was wondering if it was fine if I just read the rules before I try to join (basically what are the requirerments to join the game?)
Nathan H. said: I am very interested in this because I have not played and would like to learn. I thought this would be a good chance because you don't sound like you have played much either. I was wondering if it was fine if I just read the rules before I try to join (basically what are the requirerments to join the game?) Hey Nathan , i would recommend pm'ing shadow as he will be the DM for our game and is looking for a group of players that will get along well, it looks like we will be doing pathfinder as opposed to D&D 5e
Connor K. said: Nathan H. said: I am very interested in this because I have not played and would like to learn. I thought this would be a good chance because you don't sound like you have played much either. I was wondering if it was fine if I just read the rules before I try to join (basically what are the requirerments to join the game?) Hey Nathan , i would recommend pm'ing shadow as he will be the DM for our game and is looking for a group of players that will get along well, it looks like we will be doing pathfinder as opposed to D&D 5e Thanks just did
I have a game I am setting up that's built to accept quite a few more players than I have, and will be be a rewarding experience for a new player.  Parties of 3-5 from session to session but around 10 total players and it will be ran multiple times a week.  If you are interested let me know and ill get you more information. :) Currently at 3 created PC's.