Hi, I'm working on a macro to generate random chests that players can find and try to open and loot (that is always an exciting thing). So, first of all I'd like to generate the material of which the chest is made (wood, bone, stone, iron, mithral etc.). Depending on the random material (through rollable table) outcome I would like to have a AC, HPs, DC to broken or pick the lock (I think that broken the lock should be something like pick the lock DC + 1d5). Then, I'm trying to use recursive tables to get the content of the chest. So, as a Plus subscriber I've written this: /w gm &{template:default}{{name=**Random Chest**}}{{DC to open =[[d30]] + 5 To break}} {{|<10|= CA [[10]]; Low quality wood; [[1]] HP}} {{|10 - 13|= CA [[15]]; Wood/Bone; [[3]] HP}} {{|14 - 16|= CA [[17]]; Stone; [[2d6]] HP}} {{|17 - 20|= CA [[19]]; Iron/Steel; [[3d6]] HP}} {{|21 - 25|= CA [[21]]; Mithral; [[3d6]] HP}} {{|26 - 30|= CA [[23]]; Adamantine; [[4d6]] HP}} This is actually a draft. Brackets on raw numbers are just to higlights purpose. In fact, with this method I would have to search for the DC to open die result and depending on it check the other stats for my random chest. For example: DC to open 22 I'm in the mithral range (21 / 25) so CA would be 21 and HP's are 3d6 (I will add even hardness from DMG). Break the lock is 22 + 5 Honestly this is a mess. I'm sure I could use recursive table (I got a PRO sub) to achieve my goal. Something like: !rt [[1t[material]]] with a material table that would include the stats for that particular material. Any tip or suggestion to made things neat and clear?