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Possible Monster Girl Encyclopedia Based Games?

Just out of morbid curiosity, does anyone know of any modules or anything that would be good for a campaign based on the Monster Girl Encyclopedia series?
There are quite a few but it would entirely come down to what the GM is comfortable with, and how much your willing to tweak them. A Powered by the Apocalypse could be adapted to it, maybe Monster Hearts?. Other than that BESM, OVA etc could also maybe work. If your up for custom races.....then Pathfinder has rules for that. List goes on, Though i suppose if you find anyone to run this sort of game i would be interested in giving it a shot as a player.
Oh, well, hopefully someone could potentially GM and possibly set down some ground rules. Cause I think GM'ing something like this would probably be beyond my knowledge and experiance.
Are you talking about a game like anime Monster Musume or video game monster girl quest. Basically more erp than rp?
Definitely more erp than rp, cause it's basically based on this: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
For a game though, might want to dial back the Erp a bit to throw a story.....though Monster Masume feel might actually work alot better for a game wise.
Monster Masume may not be good for story I tried to run it once as none erp but players devolved into hard core erp which include the "r" word. I had to disband the group by season 2 and block players. When i gm it. Also as a side note I would change info on game u want to be listed under ERP that way everyone knows and players not looking for ERP would know not for them like myself.
I think for a good game you need to balance it so its a game/story first, ERP second.
CheeseCake said: I think for a good game you need to balance it so its a game/story first, ERP second. Personally I don't count erp as rp myself why i wont run it or play it. and like i said i tried running that anime as a none erp game but players had another idea i had to stop.
Communication is key with players prior to starting the game, everyone needs to be on the same page as to what they expect from the story/sessions and have it be clear for those involved.
My only question is do we play as the monster girls or play someone hunting &nbsp;the monster girls? &nbsp;Because I'd love to play a fairy.
Probably best to get a GM first lol, though my 2 cents is perhaps a mix, though id side more on the monster side.
I mean, if I could learn to use a somewhat simple/cinematic based Tabletop game, I guess I could sort of GM one of the said games. Plus, I could see about learning lessons from the CoC&D/TiTS&D games done by Savin and his friends, and having various different aspects added on from those into the game.
Definitely have to dial back on the E in that erp.
Well, I guess so. Even though the source material is pretty lewd, I don't plan on having it being 100% like the games on Savin's channel, though I was kinda suggesting a few ideas in terms of mechanics for the game, like human characters having a point system that alters their character if it gets high enough. But that's just what I'm thinking anyway.
Powered by Apocalypse games are pretty much what your describing, perhaps taking a look at the various versions to put something together you like the look of? (May need to talk with each player regarding the race they wish to make something specific due to the variety in the setting). The system itself is very cinematic/story and character heavy, 2D6+Stat.....-6 Fail, 7-9 Partial Success, 10+ Full success. Also needs very limited prep on the GM's side as it plays as a group story telling effort at times.

Edited 1504036749
Sounds pretty good, I guess I could take a look at it. Mind if we chat on Discord to better prep something? Tag for me is; Shanic#7031
Sure. PM a link and I'll join once I'm home.
I think Pathfinder would work nicely for this.

Edited 1504046501
In what way? Pathfinder is Very heavy in mechanics and I feel like that could possibly get in the way of the main focus point of the game, which would be the interactions and RP with the PC's and NPC's.
Shanic said: In what way? Pathfinder is Very heavy in mechanics and I feel like that could possibly get in the way of the main focus point of the game, which would be the interactions and RP with the PC's and NPC's. If mechanics get in the way of interactions and RP, then someone's doing something wrong. :P I mean, I've been reading that wiki that you posted the link to, and the background is kind of dark.&nbsp; There's plenty of combat going on there in the background, which is something Pathfinder can do.&nbsp; Pathfinder also has rules for making kingdoms and the like.&nbsp; The setting of the MGE world has tons to work with, and Pathfinder could just simply be the engine for combat.&nbsp; And even that can be minimized if that's what the GM and players want.
Pathfinder also offers a way to create most races using a points system, so with the exception of the very unusual monster races it's possible to make races for all monster girls easily. &nbsp;An alternative would be 5e but Pathfinder's been around so long it has far more versatility.

Edited 1504049196
Yeah, but there's a LOT to account for in terms of the different races and aspects to them, so if anything, it kinda expands the work load on the GM side. I'm not saying no to the idea, just that it would be a LOT more complex than it might be worth.
Powered by Apocalypse does all that, it also does not require the GM to set DC's/Create the stats for creatures. Is far more freeform as opposed to "You need X Class Feature/Feat etc to do that". Overall its a far easier system to run with less prep work required on the GM's side. While it can be done with that system, It would perhaps be easier for all to use another for the type of game hes looking for.
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Fate would also work, as the monster can be described by the character's High Concept, e.g. "Lonely Minotaur looking for friends". There's also Wandering Monster High School and Primetime Adventures (an excellent rules light RPG that is easy to do on Roll20 with a deck of cards). /Matt
Definitely something to look through. Though most important thing is the system the person GMing is most comfortable using.

Edited 1504106579
If someone could send in any and all lewd or erotic content/modules that could be translated to Pathfinder, I might give it a try. Otherwise, I might just stick with OVA, or Dungeon World.
I found a Template and quite a bit of info to alter Pathfinder to fit the bill, so I guess Pathfinder could work, though, I might need to give the roll of GM to someone who's a bit more experienced with Homebrewed/fan-submitted content.
Thus I stumble across this. I can tell you from experience that the "e" in erp can easily be handled by GM moderation. I've played in 2 Monster Girls campaigns cut short by the different reasons, but that's just tabletop life in general. Currently in one again and we mostly go to "fade to black" methods for most things frisky. The adult level of content can lead to some mature themes explored as always but in general treat it like any regular PF campaign with a little zaniness if you are honestly that comfortable (which you need to be as the gm). Going to drop this link here as a list of races were made a while back by my prior GM and hopefully it can help you make a campaign or convince someone to create one for you. [<a href="\" rel="nofollow">\</a>]
i think for ths kind of setting it might work better with a story telling game like dungeon world, cause ive already tried to work monster species into a campaign i run of 5e but balancing and mechanics is a pain for them
and fate might also be a good one as with that you can literally have any setting you want and it will fit the mechanics
Yeah.....those races were not actually made by a GM, since the person who made them has never actually GM'd a Monster Girls game. At the moment the group is using the Racial Bestiary Levels for most of the Monsters, but as a Gestalt Humans get 2 full classes vs Monsters 1 Racial levels 1 Class, though it seemed Humans were stilll a bit lower so one of the templates was thrown on human to balance it out.
Are you referring to the content I provided? Got a bit lost between lack of context there. The humans in our campaigns had a custom system called "spirit energy", equivalent to the custom stamina points of Pathfinder, but humans were quite subpar. We used this list for two campaigns after my gm consulted another person for help in devising that list. Me personally, I have created a decent list of mamono races for 5e based on someone making races for a Monster Musume concept, but once I went into custom material it was kind of fun. Life stuff got in the way however and I placed it back in the hiatus closet though, but in general that idea and Dungeon World are something I played around with as well. Unfortunately DW would feel a bit trickier in making every mamono feel unique with such a simple system. Story wise it would be great mind you, however anything else to make each mamono have unique traits for PC's and developing NPC/Enemy mamono would take a bit of time and effort...
I was just saying i have it on good information that the person devising it wasnt the GM was all, I was there with the main person doing so to taking a bit of exception to another person claiming credit. As for the system, everyone has made their characters using gestalt/racial levels/template with bit of tweaking to fit with GM oversight/discussion in the current game.
Ah okay, it's a small world then but that's pretty neat. I still think 5e is the less complexed route, but the free roam of Dungeon World is a good alternative if you feel inclined for the work needed. Gestalt is always fun in a sense but mostly when I see it I just point someone to GURPS.