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My Dark Heresy Set Up

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I made a quick screencast of my Dark Heresy set up. This was primarily for my players but thought it might be of interest to others. Any feedback is welcome.
Session 1 played and thoroughly enjoyed. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
You always learn in play. Added Dodge and Parry Macros. Also played about with Roll20's targeting options to add automatic fire. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Added a few more videos at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Thank you for posting these, Isembard. I'm brand new to this site and stuff like this really helps me get a good feel about how it all works.
Great work Isembard! Really enjoyed listening and watching
Thanks. Really appreciate the feedback.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I enjoyed the first one. Will watch the others later. I'm not sure why you used a Combat roll macro, and not two macros: WS and BS. It's only one extra button and players could enter their stats once and not have to redo that every time they made an attack.
I agree with the macros comment. My consideration was that I didn't want to many macros assigned as token actions as I worried it might clog up a players screen. To be fair I should probably try it and ask their opinion. Thanks for your comment.
Isembard, excellent setup. Do you have the macro syntax somewhere that it can be snagged for the dice rolls and the rest? Maybe they are on a vid I havent watched yet? Thanks!
I've had a couple of queries on the macros used in my Dark Heresy game. I can't guarantee how quick I'll be but I'll put a short document together listing all the macros used.
Thank you very much! I wonder if you let someone join your campaign temporarily if they couldnt just go and pull the data out themselves and save you some time or if that is something you'd even consider. Either way I look forward to seeing your document.
I would like to second the macro syntax list, would be extremely helpful!
Hi Isembard, Your macro's are excellent, many many thanks for posting the vids! Have you uploaded a syntax list yet by any chance?
Just going to poke this. Any chance of getting our grubby hands on those macros of yours?
I'll be honest I never got round to listing the macro's and foolishly deleted the campaign whilst having a clear out. Never fear though on the 28th May when Data Delve is launched there is a user made Dark Heresy Character sheet which I think will meet everyone's needs.