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[Script] Tongues - a simple language script

A jab on celestial. Persons fluent in latin should probably cover their eyes or something. :P Great! I like it, will use it in my own campaign.
Sarkamist said: lordmage said: now if only it was simpler to use... aka gibberish for all pcs who dont have the language listed in there  Other Proficiencies & Languages section. i would have to separate out each known language then use common spelling for each. then simply have the api scan the list to know which pc speaks which language. then a macro to call a list of languages to speak in. so in essence the pc clicks the macro and drop down selects a known to them language writes there message. that gets output to chat those with it see the message without gibberish. those without get gibberish. Gm sees all The script is intended to be both system and sheet agnostic, so configuring it to get the speakers of a language from their sheets attributes its not the intended behaviour. About the macro, it can be done on a sheet basis as character abilities are system & sheet agnostic. I like the idea, maybe in the future I configure a command which allows you to select a token and it automatically creates the macro for all the languages it can speak. anything that makes implementation easier sort of like easy experience it ask me which players are in game vs out via a config command that i set as a macro. so in essence combine this idea into yours for which Sheets are players. then the APi could ask or scan which languages for Each sheet in essences loading a sheet setup for that pc with the know , then next set would be setting up the vocab for each language or in reverse. this way i only need to edit the sheets voca and known players who speak it if i add or remove a player from the game. 
New version available  here . A bunch of quality of life improvements for GMs. v4.3.1  - New configuration commands Github's repository  readme has a new section with all the available commands with their usage and examples. New command: !tongues --ability which creates/updates a token macro named "Tongues" for all the languages the selected character knows. New command: !tongues --set (language:knowledge%) which adds or updates the selected character's name on the provided language handout. You can optionally provide a knowledge % for the provided language, which will be added to the character's name on the handout. New command: !tongues --unset (language) which removes the selected character's name from the provided language handout. Both !tongues --set and - -unset commands after adding or removing a character from the handout will seek for an ability macro named "Tongues" on the selected character, if found, a command !tongues --ability will be executed for the character affected. Hope I made your tonguing easier!

Edited 1511463645
Sarkamist said: New version available  here . A bunch of quality of life improvements for GMs. v4.3.1  - New configuration commands Github's repository  readme has a new section with all the available commands with their usage and examples. New command: !tongues --ability which creates/updates a token macro named "Tongues" for all the languages the selected character knows. New command: !tongues --set (language:knowledge%) which adds or updates the selected character's name on the provided language handout. You can optionally provide a knowledge % for the provided language, which will be added to the character's name on the handout. New command: !tongues --unset (language) which removes the selected character's name from the provided language handout. Both !tongues --set and - -unset commands after adding or removing a character from the handout will seek for an ability macro named "Tongues" on the selected character, if found, a command !tongues --ability will be executed for the character affected. Hope I made your tonguing easier! those look like great updates... when i have some time i will play with it for sure.  now time to create a vocab database somewhere for a language is there a format i should follow when creating the Vocabulary i plan to have a custom set for each one before i implemented it   Found on below on the prior page now to make sense of it. then i can tweak as need to make my custom letters...  think i got the jist of it... just a matter of following the pattern for the cypher for each one. Raven i am Gonna use yours for sure i love that its based on latin  i might spend the time creating a klingon based one. :D  Ravenknight said: Vocabulary: Celestial 1-letter words: [A, E, I, O] Celestial 2-letter words: [Ac, Be, Ci, De, Ec, Fi, Ga, Ho, Il, Jo, Ke, Ma, No, Ox, Pe, Qe, Re, Si, Te, Ue, Ve, Xe, Yu, At, Eu, Es, Fe, Tu, Ex] Celestial 3-letter words: [Ait, Amo, Arx, Aut, Nos, Bie, Cei, Deu, Eux, Feu, Gau, Hea, Ile, Jeu, Kau, Lie, Man, Nau, Ore, Cum, Til, Xau, quo, Yil, Fir, Tum, Via, Hos] Celestial 4-letter words: [Clu, Arma, Novo, Aue, Pro, Bei, Deus, Deux, Feux, Duco, Faux, Rota, Reus, Glau, Gile, Faue, Haue, Ordo, Ileu, Spes, Sedo, Juli, Kauo, Feur, Reni, Canu, Que, Unus, Unis, Tunc] Celestial 5-letter words: [Usque, Asper, Ascit, Autus, Auris, Barba, Credo, Dulcum, Erepo, Ideam, Nocens, Nuper, Ocius, Orbis, Otium, Uredo, Velum, Velut, Umbra, Ustilo, Solio, Sidus, Rigor, Etiam, Quasi, Ourus, Purus, Pulpa] Celestial 6-letter words: [Ventus, Ignoro, Lucrum, Iustus, Oculus, Videor, Vomica, Tribuo, Servio, Septem, Rursus, Rhetor, Reptum, Pulsum, Necdum] Celestial 7-letter words: [Undique, Epistula, Argentum, Lucerna, Instructus, Sumptus, Suggero, Stultus, Sive seu, Sapiens, Rex rigis, Revenio, Requiro, Repente, Ryxidis, Putator, Punctum] Celestial 8-letter words: [Tumultus, Baiulus, Opdormio, Offensio, Utpote, Tres tria, Seductor, Lamenta, Non secus, Rusticus, Receptum, Quoniam, Plurimus, Quilibet, Quicquid, Quamquam, Pudendus, Pregravo, Ouniceus] Celestial 9-letter words: [Velociter, Atrebatum, Calamitas, Confessus, Consultum, Iurandum, Hodiernus, Paupertas, Jumentum, Legatarius, Liberatio, Traiectum, Suspensum, Surrectum, Lacertosus, Summissus, Reliquum, Queritor, Quercetum, Phasmatis, Perversum] Celestial 10-letter words: [Vestigium, Canonicus, Brocherota, Constrixi, Elementum, Opportunus, Gratia agere, Infortunatus, Tornacense, Sophismata, Sepulchrum, Quodammodo, Quapropter, Pugnaculum, Promeritum, Potissimus, Menapiorum] Celestial 11-letter words: [Sollicitudo, Benevolentia, Brabatensium, Sanctimonia, Recuperatios, Quadraginta, Proinde quam, Nivellensem, Dare mutuum, Munimentum] Celestial 12-letter words: [Trium-Fontium, Somniculosus, Atque or quam, Quadruplator, Nichilominus, Moguntienses, Lenocinium, Interceptum] Celestial 13-letter words: [Traiectensium, Suppellectilus, Frofui profusum, Praetorgredior, Labefactum, Incompositus] Celestial 14-letter words: [Taceo tacuitacitum, Non solum sed etiam, Quotienscumque, Indux inductum,] Celestial 15-letter words: [Trado tradidi traditum, Traho traxi tractum, Lethargus, Imperceptus, Consui consutum, Comprovincialis] Celestial 16-letter words: [Tollo sustuli sublatum, Tondeo totondi tonsum, Lesciense, Incido in mentionem, Impraesentiarum, Chirographum] A jab on celestial. Persons fluent in latin should probably cover their eyes or something. :P
Great update Sarkamist!  And happy to be of help Lordmage. :) I love this script and making up languages is great fun.

Edited 1511537855
Sarkamist said: New version available  here . A bunch of quality of life improvements for GMs. v4.3.1  - New configuration commands Github's repository  readme has a new section with all the available commands with their usage and examples. New command: !tongues --ability which creates/updates a token macro named "Tongues" for all the languages the selected character knows. New command: !tongues --set (language:knowledge%) which adds or updates the selected character's name on the provided language handout. You can optionally provide a knowledge % for the provided language, which will be added to the character's name on the handout. New command: !tongues --unset (language) which removes the selected character's name from the provided language handout. Both !tongues --set and - -unset commands after adding or removing a character from the handout will seek for an ability macro named "Tongues" on the selected character, if found, a command !tongues --ability will be executed for the character affected. Hope I made your tonguing easier! played around with it today... Love it :D now my only question is there a way for the GM to speak thur chat in any of them without using a token? aka if i select speak as goblin via the (as) in chat and type out a message will it work or do i need to set up all my sheets monster and NPC to be able to do this or will a macro of some kind work. heck if MAcro iid would love to just have it out put the message in the selected language.  Edit: so far i can select a token and output as i like which is a good enough work around but for those times i dont want the player seeing who said it is it possible to Hide the name of the speaker

Edited 1511564151
lordmage said: those look like great updates... when i have some time i will play with it for sure.  now time to create a vocab database somewhere for a language is there a format i should follow when creating the Vocabulary i plan to have a custom set for each one before i implemented it You can also see the  examples from the fully functional languages available on my github. As for the feature which allows to hide the speaker's name is something I figured to do, but since the script is character based it will take some time. In the mean time you can create a character sheet named Unknown and use a token linked to Unkown to speak through it, that will do the trick.

Edited 1511623269
Sarkamist said: lordmage said: those look like great updates... when i have some time i will play with it for sure.  now time to create a vocab database somewhere for a language is there a format i should follow when creating the Vocabulary i plan to have a custom set for each one before i implemented it You can also see the  examples from the fully functional languages available on my github. As for the feature which allows to hide the speaker's name is something I figured to do, but since the script is character based it will take some time. In the mean time you can create a character sheet named Unknown and use a token linked to Unkown to speak through it, that will do the trick. found the examples are wokred it out already... the unknown is also an idea.  Edit: now if only i could set a macro to target a token id this way i could speak as unknown without have the unknown on the page. basicly pre load the NPC who is talking to unknown.  now just a matter of formatting @token_id then @ability macro i think 
How do I do an API button that asks for input??  a Macro that puts API buttons so I can select languages for folks. [Add Language](!tongues --set Elven) [Remove Language](!tongues --unset Elven) but instead of "Elven" I would like it to query me for which language I want to do.  So I could just hit the button and choose the language, perhaps from a dropdown menu or something and then it would either add or remove it from that character.  The reason I was thinking is for when someone casts a spell for understanding or speaking a language I could just use that macro to quickly add it to each person that I choose.
i thing it evolves using a ?mark in the api somewhere then listing choice one|choice two. not an api master but i think the question and choices would need programed into the api code 

Edited 1512646859
Omegaman said: How do I do an API button that asks for input??  a Macro that puts API buttons so I can select languages for folks. [Add Language](!tongues --set Elven) [Remove Language](!tongues --unset Elven) but instead of "Elven" I would like it to query me for which language I want to do.  So I could just hit the button and choose the language, perhaps from a dropdown menu or something and then it would either add or remove it from that character.  The reason I was thinking is for when someone casts a spell for understanding or speaking a language I could just use that macro to quickly add it to each person that I choose. You can create a macro configured as follows: !tongues --?{Action|set|unset} ?{Language|Elvish|Orcish|Giant}

Edited 1512655466
i tweaked the suggested to include a percentage so you can set the language and its known percentage hope i did it right !tongues --?{Action|set|unset|ability} ?{Language|Abyssal|Aquan|Auran|Celestial|Draconic|Druidic|Dwarf|Elf|Giant|Goblin|Gnoll|Halfling|Ignan|Infernal|Orc|Primordial|Sylvan|Terran|undercommon}?{Percentage|100%}
Hey all! Can someone post what they have come up with for the Undercommon language? I haven't the faintest clue on how it should remotely look like.. Thanks!

Edited 1515016455
what i discovered is you can use the same alphabet cipher for all of them and somehow the api does not confuse them. i based undercommon off my primordial -elemental   Just about all in the above list look like this but unless the PC is listed as understanding it the system makes it gibberish  Vocabulary: undercommon 1-letter words: [A, E, I, O] undercommon 2-letter words: [Ac, Be, Ci, De, Ec, Fi, Ga, Ho, Il, Jo, Ke, Ma, No, Ox, Pe, Qe, Re, Si, Te, Ue, Ve, Xe, Yu, At, Eu, Es, Fe, Tu, Ex] undercommon 3-letter words: [Ait, Amo, Arx, Aut, Nos, Bie, Cei, Deu, Eux, Feu, Gau, Hea, Ile, Jeu, Kau, Lie, Man, Nau, Ore, Cum, Til, Xau, quo, Yil, Fir, Tum, Via, Hos] undercommon 4-letter words: [Clu, Arma, Novo, Aue, Pro, Bei, Deus, Deux, Feux, Duco, Faux, Rota, Reus, Glau, Gile, Faue, Haue, Ordo, Ileu, Spes, Sedo, Juli, Kauo, Feur, Reni, Canu, Que, Unus, Unis, Tunc] undercommon 5-letter words: [Usque, Asper, Ascit, Autus, Auris, Barba, Credo, Dulcum, Erepo, Ideam, Nocens, Nuper, Ocius, Orbis, Otium, Uredo, Velum, Velut, Umbra, Ustilo, Solio, Sidus, Rigor, Etiam, Quasi, Ourus, Purus, Pulpa] undercommon 6-letter words: [Ventus, Ignoro, Lucrum, Iustus, Oculus, Videor, Vomica, Tribuo, Servio, Septem, Rursus, Rhetor, Reptum, Pulsum, Necdum] undercommon 7-letter words: [Undique, Epistula, Argentum, Lucerna, Instructus, Sumptus, Suggero, Stultus, Sive seu, Sapiens, Rex rigis, Revenio, Requiro, Repente, Ryxidis, Putator, Punctum] undercommon 8-letter words: [Tumultus, Baiulus, Opdormio, Offensio, Utpote, Tres tria, Seductor, Lamenta, Non secus, Rusticus, Receptum, Quoniam, Plurimus, Quilibet, Quicquid, Quamquam, Pudendus, Pregravo, Ouniceus] undercommon 9-letter words: [Velociter, Atrebatum, Calamitas, Confessus, Consultum, Iurandum, Hodiernus, Paupertas, Jumentum, Legatarius, Liberatio, Traiectum, Suspensum, Surrectum, Lacertosus, Summissus, Reliquum, Queritor, Quercetum, Phasmatis, Perversum] undercommon 10-letter words: [Vestigium, Canonicus, Brocherota, Constrixi, Elementum, Opportunus, Gratia agere, Infortunatus, Tornacense, Sophismata, Sepulchrum, Quodammodo, Quapropter, Pugnaculum, Promeritum, Potissimus, Menapiorum] undercommon 11-letter words: [Sollicitudo, Benevolentia, Brabatensium, Sanctimonia, Recuperatios, Quadraginta, Proinde quam, Nivellensem, Dare mutuum, Munimentum] undercommon 12-letter words: [Trium-Fontium, Somniculosus, Atque or quam, Quadruplator, Nichilominus, Moguntienses, Lenocinium, Interceptum] undercommon 13-letter words: [Traiectensium, Suppellectilus, Frofui profusum, Praetorgredior, Labefactum, Incompositus] undercommon 14-letter words: [Taceo tacuitacitum, Non solum sed etiam, Quotienscumque, Indux inductum,] undercommon 15-letter words: [Trado tradidi traditum, Traho traxi tractum, Lethargus, Imperceptus, Consui consutum, Comprovincialis] undercommon 16-letter words: [Tollo sustuli sublatum, Tondeo totondi tonsum, Lesciense, Incido in mentionem, Impraesentiarum, Chirographum] Dictionary: [Language, Speech, Cant, Dialect: Tongue]
@lordmage  Thank you! I'll keep that in mind for other languages i want to add
Hey Guys,  what would Giant be based off of? I was thinking a mix or Primordial/Draconic? since they are both very old..??
Terrelle S. said: Hey Guys,  what would Giant be based off of? I was thinking a mix or Primordial/Draconic? since they are both very old..?? i know your sick of hear this but "it's your game it's your rules" but i based the idea of giant off of a scale starting with primordial Primordial>Sub type elementals>Giant > undercommon>Common

Edited 1516206814
In D&D, Giant language is described in official rulebooks as a language of its own, heavily inspired by real germanic languages. Actually Giant is my most developed language in my own game as I managed to find a wiki with a lot of translations and inspiration to draw from. The dictionary part is translated from Spanish, as it is the language I use with my players, but Google Translate can made through it as they are simple words to translate. Also you will find I use the same word for various Spanish words while only changing a vocal, that's because in Spanish we have gender for words and I'm just translating either "Humano" (male humano) or "Humana" (female human) to "Vanm" for example. You can just let the whole dicionary part if you don't want to translate it. Here you go: Vocabulary: Giant 1-letter words: [A, Ae, O, Y, E, Ea] Giant 2-letter words: [Du, Er, As, Af, Of, Ra, Tu, Ko, Ka, Va, Ve, Vy, Ro, Re] Giant 3-letter words: [Att, Den, Deg, Det, Dir, Dun, Fer, Gil, Gud] Giant 4-letter words: [Blad, Byrd, Esse, Fang, Flod, Gave, Hest] Giant 5-letter words: [Anfel, Anfal, Engel, Ettin, Fange, Glang, Hjelm, Kappe] Giant 6-letter words: [Drofte, Forvar, Hjerte, Minutt, Ostorg, Overin, Loafeg] Giant 7-letter words: [Forbaus, Garasje, Sengrom, Traktat, Hanvald, Kanonen] Giant 8-letter words: [Harbunad, Hvalspyd, Storkokk, Weirdner, Manegarm] Giant 9-letter words: [Helsingen, Tapperhot, Konstrutt, Mittgard, Utgartda] Giant 10-letter words: [Skiltgravr, Gellegharm, Aelleslig, Borggenmund] Giant 11-letter words: [Levendehule, Linjenstein, Kronnenborg] Giant 12-letter words: [Werddegarme, Jormundgandr, Raghnaroog] Dictionary: [Gigante, Gigantes: Jotun] [Humano, Humana: Vanm] [Humanos, Humanas, Humanidad: Vanmkind] [Elfo, Elfa: Alv] [Elfos, Elfas: Alvkind] [Enano, Enana: Dverg] [Enanos, Enanas: Dvergkind] [Viejo, Vieja, Viejos, Viejas, Anciano, Anciana, Ancianos, Ancianas: Alder] [Ocho: Att] [Uno, Un: Et] [Templo: Bapart] [Azul, Azulado, Azulada: Bla] [Sangre: Blod] [Cobre, Cobrizo: Blodbok] [Arco: Boye] [Hermano: Bror] [Muerte: Dod] [Peligro, Peligros: Fare] [Adios, Despedida: Farvel] [Cinco: Fem] [Viaje, Travesía: Ferd] [Fortaleza, Fuerte, Fortín: Festing] [Cuatro: Fir] [Montaña, Monte, Montañas, Montes: Fjell] [Gigante de montaña, Gigantes de montaña: Fjelljotun] [Líder, Jefe: Forer] [Verde, Verdoso, Verdosa: Grun] [Amarillo, Amarilla, Amarillento, Amarillenta: Gul] [Colina, Montículo, Loma, Cerro: Haug] [Gigante de colina, Gigantes de colina: Haugjotun] [Hogar: Heim] [Divino, Sagrado, Divina, Sagrada: Hellig] [Madre: Hild] [Familia, Familias, Familiar, Familiares: Huslyd] [Fuego, Llama, Llamas: Ild] [Gigante de fuego, Gigantes de fuego: Ildjotun] [Hielo: Ise] [Gigante de hielo, Gigantes de hielo: Isejotun] [Conde, Duque, Barón, Condesa, Duquesa, Baronesa: Jarl] [Rey, Reina: Kong] [Reino, Reinado: Kongerike] [Guerra: Krig] [Guerrero, Guerreros: Krigga] [Blanco, Blanca, Blanquecino, Blanquecina: Kvit] [Bueno, Buena, Honorable, Buenos, Buenas, Honorables: Maat] [Mago, Maga: Magere] [Magia, Mágico, Mágica: Magisk] [Malo, Mala, Malvado, Malvada, Malos, Malas, Malvados, Malvadas: Maat] [Clérigo, Sacerdote, Sacerdotisa: Mazin] [Magia divina, Magia sagrada: Mazinmagisk] [Nueve: Ni] [Orden, Estamento, Casta: Ordning] [Rango, Cargo, Responsabilidad: Rad] [Honor: Rang] [Rojo, Roja, Rojizo, Rojiza: Rod] [Bardo, Entretenedor, Entretenedora, Pregonero, Pregonera: Skald] [Niebla, Bruma: Skod] [Gigante de niebla, Gigantes de niebla: Skodjotun] [Nube, Nubes: Skye] [Gigante de nube, Gigantes de nube: Skyejotun] [Piedra, Piedras: Stein] [Gigante de piedra, Gigantes de piedra: Steinjotun] [Tribu: Stomm] [Alto sacerdote, Sumo sacerdote, Alto clérigo: Stormazin] [Diez, Décimo, Décima: Tier] [Dos, Par: To] [Mil, Millar: Thusen] [Cien, Centenar: Hund] [Tormenta: Uvar] [Gigante de tormenta, Gigantes de tormenta: Uvarjotun] [Dragón, Draco: Wyrm]
Sarkamist said: In D&D, Giant language is described in official rulebooks as a language of its own, heavily inspired by real germanic languages. Actually Giant is my most developed language in my own game as I managed to find a wiki with a lot of translations and inspiration to draw from. The dictionary part is translated from Spanish, as it is the language I use with my players, but Google Translate can made through it as they are simple words to translate. Also you will find I use the same word for various Spanish words while only changing a vocal, that's because in Spanish we have gender for words and I'm just translating either "Humano" (male humano) or "Humana" (female human) to "Vanm" for example. You can just let the whole dicionary part if you don't want to translate it. Here you go: Vocabulary: Giant 1-letter words: [A, Ae, O, Y, E, Ea] Giant 2-letter words: [Du, Er, As, Af, Of, Ra, Tu, Ko, Ka, Va, Ve, Vy, Ro, Re] Giant 3-letter words: [Att, Den, Deg, Det, Dir, Dun, Fer, Gil, Gud] Giant 4-letter words: [Blad, Byrd, Esse, Fang, Flod, Gave, Hest] Giant 5-letter words: [Anfel, Anfal, Engel, Ettin, Fange, Glang, Hjelm, Kappe] Giant 6-letter words: [Drofte, Forvar, Hjerte, Minutt, Ostorg, Overin, Loafeg] Giant 7-letter words: [Forbaus, Garasje, Sengrom, Traktat, Hanvald, Kanonen] Giant 8-letter words: [Harbunad, Hvalspyd, Storkokk, Weirdner, Manegarm] Giant 9-letter words: [Helsingen, Tapperhot, Konstrutt, Mittgard, Utgartda] Giant 10-letter words: [Skiltgravr, Gellegharm, Aelleslig, Borggenmund] Giant 11-letter words: [Levendehule, Linjenstein, Kronnenborg] Giant 12-letter words: [Werddegarme, Jormundgandr, Raghnaroog] Dictionary: [Gigante, Gigantes: Jotun] [Humano, Humana: Vanm] [Humanos, Humanas, Humanidad: Vanmkind] [Elfo, Elfa: Alv] [Elfos, Elfas: Alvkind] [Enano, Enana: Dverg] [Enanos, Enanas: Dvergkind] [Viejo, Vieja, Viejos, Viejas, Anciano, Anciana, Ancianos, Ancianas: Alder] [Ocho: Att] [Uno, Un: Et] [Templo: Bapart] [Azul, Azulado, Azulada: Bla] [Sangre: Blod] [Cobre, Cobrizo: Blodbok] [Arco: Boye] [Hermano: Bror] [Muerte: Dod] [Peligro, Peligros: Fare] [Adios, Despedida: Farvel] [Cinco: Fem] [Viaje, Travesía: Ferd] [Fortaleza, Fuerte, Fortín: Festing] [Cuatro: Fir] [Montaña, Monte, Montañas, Montes: Fjell] [Gigante de montaña, Gigantes de montaña: Fjelljotun] [Líder, Jefe: Forer] [Verde, Verdoso, Verdosa: Grun] [Amarillo, Amarilla, Amarillento, Amarillenta: Gul] [Colina, Montículo, Loma, Cerro: Haug] [Gigante de colina, Gigantes de colina: Haugjotun] [Hogar: Heim] [Divino, Sagrado, Divina, Sagrada: Hellig] [Madre: Hild] [Familia, Familias, Familiar, Familiares: Huslyd] [Fuego, Llama, Llamas: Ild] [Gigante de fuego, Gigantes de fuego: Ildjotun] [Hielo: Ise] [Gigante de hielo, Gigantes de hielo: Isejotun] [Conde, Duque, Barón, Condesa, Duquesa, Baronesa: Jarl] [Rey, Reina: Kong] [Reino, Reinado: Kongerike] [Guerra: Krig] [Guerrero, Guerreros: Krigga] [Blanco, Blanca, Blanquecino, Blanquecina: Kvit] [Bueno, Buena, Honorable, Buenos, Buenas, Honorables: Maat] [Mago, Maga: Magere] [Magia, Mágico, Mágica: Magisk] [Malo, Mala, Malvado, Malvada, Malos, Malas, Malvados, Malvadas: Maat] [Clérigo, Sacerdote, Sacerdotisa: Mazin] [Magia divina, Magia sagrada: Mazinmagisk] [Nueve: Ni] [Orden, Estamento, Casta: Ordning] [Rango, Cargo, Responsabilidad: Rad] [Honor: Rang] [Rojo, Roja, Rojizo, Rojiza: Rod] [Bardo, Entretenedor, Entretenedora, Pregonero, Pregonera: Skald] [Niebla, Bruma: Skod] [Gigante de niebla, Gigantes de niebla: Skodjotun] [Nube, Nubes: Skye] [Gigante de nube, Gigantes de nube: Skyejotun] [Piedra, Piedras: Stein] [Gigante de piedra, Gigantes de piedra: Steinjotun] [Tribu: Stomm] [Alto sacerdote, Sumo sacerdote, Alto clérigo: Stormazin] [Diez, Décimo, Décima: Tier] [Dos, Par: To] [Mil, Millar: Thusen] [Cien, Centenar: Hund] [Tormenta: Uvar] [Gigante de tormenta, Gigantes de tormenta: Uvarjotun] [Dragón, Draco: Wyrm] wow.. good stuff.. thanks!

Edited 1516659269
KS Backer
Sarkamist said: In D&D, Giant language is described in official rulebooks as a language of its own, heavily inspired by real germanic languages. Actually Giant is my most developed language in my own game as I managed to find a wiki with a lot of translations and inspiration to draw from. The dictionary part is translated from Spanish, as it is the language I use with my players, but Google Translate can made through it as they are simple words to translate. Also you will find I use the same word for various Spanish words while only changing a vocal, that's because in Spanish we have gender for words and I'm just translating either "Humano" (male humano) or "Humana" (female human) to "Vanm" for example. You can just let the whole dicionary part if you don't want to translate it. Here you go: Vocabulary: Giant 1-letter words: [A, Ae, O, Y, E, Ea] Giant 2-letter words: [Du, Er, As, Af, Of, Ra, Tu, Ko, Ka, Va, Ve, Vy, Ro, Re] Giant 3-letter words: [Att, Den, Deg, Det, Dir, Dun, Fer, Gil, Gud] Giant 4-letter words: [Blad, Byrd, Esse, Fang, Flod, Gave, Hest] Giant 5-letter words: [Anfel, Anfal, Engel, Ettin, Fange, Glang, Hjelm, Kappe] Giant 6-letter words: [Drofte, Forvar, Hjerte, Minutt, Ostorg, Overin, Loafeg] Giant 7-letter words: [Forbaus, Garasje, Sengrom, Traktat, Hanvald, Kanonen] Giant 8-letter words: [Harbunad, Hvalspyd, Storkokk, Weirdner, Manegarm] Giant 9-letter words: [Helsingen, Tapperhot, Konstrutt, Mittgard, Utgartda] Giant 10-letter words: [Skiltgravr, Gellegharm, Aelleslig, Borggenmund] Giant 11-letter words: [Levendehule, Linjenstein, Kronnenborg] Giant 12-letter words: [Werddegarme, Jormundgandr, Raghnaroog] Dictionary: [Gigante, Gigantes: Jotun] [Humano, Humana: Vanm] [Humanos, Humanas, Humanidad: Vanmkind] [Elfo, Elfa: Alv] [Elfos, Elfas: Alvkind] [Enano, Enana: Dverg] [Enanos, Enanas: Dvergkind] [Viejo, Vieja, Viejos, Viejas, Anciano, Anciana, Ancianos, Ancianas: Alder] [Ocho: Att] [Uno, Un: Et] [Templo: Bapart] [Azul, Azulado, Azulada: Bla] [Sangre: Blod] [Cobre, Cobrizo: Blodbok] [Arco: Boye] [Hermano: Bror] [Muerte: Dod] [Peligro, Peligros: Fare] [Adios, Despedida: Farvel] [Cinco: Fem] [Viaje, Travesía: Ferd] [Fortaleza, Fuerte, Fortín: Festing] [Cuatro: Fir] [Montaña, Monte, Montañas, Montes: Fjell] [Gigante de montaña, Gigantes de montaña: Fjelljotun] [Líder, Jefe: Forer] [Verde, Verdoso, Verdosa: Grun] [Amarillo, Amarilla, Amarillento, Amarillenta: Gul] [Colina, Montículo, Loma, Cerro: Haug] [Gigante de colina, Gigantes de colina: Haugjotun] [Hogar: Heim] [Divino, Sagrado, Divina, Sagrada: Hellig] [Madre: Hild] [Familia, Familias, Familiar, Familiares: Huslyd] [Fuego, Llama, Llamas: Ild] [Gigante de fuego, Gigantes de fuego: Ildjotun] [Hielo: Ise] [Gigante de hielo, Gigantes de hielo: Isejotun] [Conde, Duque, Barón, Condesa, Duquesa, Baronesa: Jarl] [Rey, Reina: Kong] [Reino, Reinado: Kongerike] [Guerra: Krig] [Guerrero, Guerreros: Krigga] [Blanco, Blanca, Blanquecino, Blanquecina: Kvit] [Bueno, Buena, Honorable, Buenos, Buenas, Honorables: Maat] [Mago, Maga: Magere] [Magia, Mágico, Mágica: Magisk] [Malo, Mala, Malvado, Malvada, Malos, Malas, Malvados, Malvadas: Maat] [Clérigo, Sacerdote, Sacerdotisa: Mazin] [Magia divina, Magia sagrada: Mazinmagisk] [Nueve: Ni] [Orden, Estamento, Casta: Ordning] [Rango, Cargo, Responsabilidad: Rad] [Honor: Rang] [Rojo, Roja, Rojizo, Rojiza: Rod] [Bardo, Entretenedor, Entretenedora, Pregonero, Pregonera: Skald] [Niebla, Bruma: Skod] [Gigante de niebla, Gigantes de niebla: Skodjotun] [Nube, Nubes: Skye] [Gigante de nube, Gigantes de nube: Skyejotun] [Piedra, Piedras: Stein] [Gigante de piedra, Gigantes de piedra: Steinjotun] [Tribu: Stomm] [Alto sacerdote, Sumo sacerdote, Alto clérigo: Stormazin] [Diez, Décimo, Décima: Tier] [Dos, Par: To] [Mil, Millar: Thusen] [Cien, Centenar: Hund] [Tormenta: Uvar] [Gigante de tormenta, Gigantes de tormenta: Uvarjotun] [Dragón, Draco: Wyrm] Great work! - Somewhat danish huh? ;)
Ravenknight said: Great work! - Somewhat danish huh? ;) I tried to give it some viking vibe. I can't really discern the nordic languages between them but have some knowledge which comes from my admiration for nordic mythology. This  wiki entry references and collects information from a lot of D&D books about the giants. I picked most of the words from there. Great to see that a nordic language speaker considers it close to danish!
An error after using my macro to speak.  Any idea what might cause this? TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined at commandSpeak (apiscript.js:28167:34) at handleInput (apiscript.js:28369:21) at eval (eval at (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:146:1), :65:16) at Object.publish (eval at (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:146:1), :70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1510:12 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147) at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546) at Id.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:489) at Zd.Ld.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:94:425) at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:111:400

Edited 1516810238
This is my version of Giant so far.  It's a work in progress.  lol, I say mine, but I just stole it from the internets.  I'm going to now steal all his words and add them to my collective.  You will be assimilated. Vocabulary: Giant 1-letter words: [i] Giant 2-letter words: [Am, du, er, et, gi, ha, ni, su, to, wo, zo] Giant 3-letter words: [alv, att, bla, den, deg, det, dir, dod dun, fem, fer, fir, gil, gud, gul, han, het, hun, ild, ise, kom, kue, liv, meg, nar, nom, nul, oks, opp, pil, rad, rod, rom, sal, sek, sju, tid, tre, tuv, val, van, wer, wie] Giant 4-letter words: [blad, blod, boye, bror, byrd, esse, fang, fare, flod, fode, ferd, gave, grun, haug, heim, hest, hild, hund, hval, jarl, kalt, jong, krig, kvit, lang, maat, maug, mynt, nede, otte, rang, seir, seng, skat, skod, skye, slag, solv, sort, spyd, stig, stot, tier, trut, uvar, uven vaer, venn, vind, wyrm] Giant 5-letter words: [alder, anfal, anfel, dverg, engel, ettin, fange, forer, glang, hellig, hjelm, hjerte, jotun, kappe, kjott, kunst, linje, mazin, paart, prakt, rever, skald, skilt, skold, stein, strev, sverd, tanke, teeth, tusen, vader, vonin] Giant 6-letter words: [bapart, drofte, farvel, forvar, hellig, hjerte, huslyd, krigga, magere, magisk, minutt, overin, soster, ubuden] Giant 7-letter words: [blodbok, festing, forbaus, garasje, ordning, platina, sengrom, traktat] Giant 8-letter words: [harbunad, hvalspyd, ildjotun, isejotun, storkokk, weirdner] Giant 9-letter words: [haugjotun, helsingen, Jotunbrud, kongerike, skodjotun, skyejotun, stormazin, tapperhot, uvarjotun] Giant 10-letter words: [fjelljotun, skiltgravr] Giant 11-letter words: [levendehule, linjenstein, mazinmagisk] Giant 12-letter words: [] Giant 13-letter words: [] Giant 14-letter words: [] Dictionary: [Language, Speech, Cant, Dialect: Tongue] [I: Am] [elf: alv] [old: alder] [giant: jotun] [attack: anfal] [eight: att] [temple: bapart] [blue: bla] [blade: blad] [blood: blod] [copper: blodbok] [bow: boye] [brother: bror] [birth: byrd] [that: det] [there: dir] [death: dod] [dispute: drofte] [dwarf: dverg] [ale: engel] [danger: fare] [journey: ferd] [mountain: fjell] [defend: forvar] [garbage: garasje] [above: glang] [green: grun] [god: gud] [yellow: gul] [have: ha] [hill: haug] [armor: harbunad] [home: heim] [holy, sacred: hellig] [greetings: helsingen] [horse: hest] [mother: hild] [helmet: hjelm] [heart: hjerte] [family: huslyd] [whale: hval] [fire: ild] [giant: jotun] [cold: kalt] [cloak: kappe] [meat: kjott] [come: kom] [king: kong] [war: krig] [warrior: krigga] [cow: kue] [art: kunst] [white: kvit] [far: lang] [ ancestry, lineage: linje] [life: liv] [good, honorable: maat] [mage: magere] [magic: magisk] [evil, unholy, dishonorable: maug] [priest: mazin] [highpriest: mazinmagisk] [minute: minutt] [money: mynt] [near: nar] [name: nom] [nothing: nul] [axe: oks] [order: ordning] [fear: otte] [defeat: overin] [honor, respect: paart] [arrow: pil] [platinum: platina] [bravery: prakt] [rank: rad] [red: rod] [room, chamber: rom] [saga: sal] [victory: seir] [bed: seng] [bedroom: sengrom] [bard: skald] [treasure: skat] [rune: skilt] [fog: skod] [shield: skold] [cloud: skye] [battle: slag] [silver: solv] [sister: soster] [black: sort] [spear: spyd] [stone: stein] [light: stig] [effort: strev] [sword: sverd] [thought: tanke] [courage, mettle: tapperhot] [hour: tid] [fool: tosk] [treaty, truce: traktat] [trail: treke] [truth: trut] [thousand: tusen] [thief: tuv] [intruder: ubuden] [storm: uvar] [enemy: uven] [father: vader] [weather: vaer] [human: van] [friend: venn] [wind: vind] [titan: vonin] [where: wie] [what: wo] [dragon: wyrm] GM Notes (Only visible to GM) null, Rurik "Keeneye" Bersk
Omegaman said: An error after using my macro to speak.  Any idea what might cause this? TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined at commandSpeak (apiscript.js:28167:34) at handleInput (apiscript.js:28369:21) at eval (eval at (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:146:1), :65:16) at Object.publish (eval at (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:146:1), :70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1510:12 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147) at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546) at Id.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:489) at Zd.Ld.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:94:425) at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:111:400 Which command do you exactly used and which character you had selected at that time?. If you were trying to use Giant, try to edit the GM Notes and remove that whole "null, " entry as it may be causing the issue as I understand there's no one named "null" on your campaign.
I think I was using Abyssal.  Each handout has a null entry in it automatically put there by the script.  I used the !tongues Abyssal 'this is a message' I have it in a macro.
Omegaman said: I think I was using Abyssal.  Each handout has a null entry in it automatically put there by the script.  I used the !tongues Abyssal 'this is a message' I have it in a macro. Can you provide your Abyssal handout for me to make some tests?
Hey there, First of all allow me to compliment your work, well done; easily my favourite language script available. I hope to see more of your work in the future. Down to business, I was wondering if there was room for a slight GM request. As the script stands right now, it requires me to have a character sheet made as well as a token tied to that sheet. As a GM who runs a very ad libbed game (mainly because my party goes around being as unpredictable as possible), this is sometimes not available on the spot and my world is multilingual between nations as well as certain races. Is there any way to get the script to be useable in a similar fashion as the GM's /as command, where all I need to do is throw in the name of who I am typing as without needing a token selected?
DaveFY said: Hey there, First of all allow me to compliment your work, well done; easily my favourite language script available. I hope to see more of your work in the future. Down to business, I was wondering if there was room for a slight GM request. As the script stands right now, it requires me to have a character sheet made as well as a token tied to that sheet. As a GM who runs a very ad libbed game (mainly because my party goes around being as unpredictable as possible), this is sometimes not available on the spot and my world is multilingual between nations as well as certain races. Is there any way to get the script to be useable in a similar fashion as the GM's /as command, where all I need to do is throw in the name of who I am typing as without needing a token selected? Thank you for your compliments. As for the change you request, I was working on it and will have an update coming shortly. I've been very busy since December but soon I will recover some of my free time and I would be able to finish it.

Edited 1518569717
New version available  here . A new command for GMs which allows them to speak without an associated token. v4.4.0 - New configuration command for GMs New command: !tongues --speaker (name) which saves the name to be used as the speaker's name when a !tongues (language) (message) command is issued by a GM without a token selected. This speaker name is saved across API Sandbox restarts so you will find that once you used this command once, the script will always remember your last saved name. Speaker name defaults to John Smith on fresh scripts.
As always.. good stuff.. upgrading now..
Sarkamist said: New version available  here . A new command for GMs which allows them to speak without an associated token. v4.4.0 - New configuration command for GMs New command: !tongues --speaker (name) which saves the name to be used as the speaker's name when a !tongues (language) (message) command is issued by a GM without a token selected. This speaker name is saved across API Sandbox restarts so you will find that once you used this command once, the script will always remember your last saved name. Speaker name defaults to John Smith on fresh scripts. Excellent!
Hey! Me again, this time with a little something that might be of use for those who like the script: A Google Sheet that (should) allow you to create tongues files without quite so much finicky fiddling! Hopefully! The sheet can be viewed here. It's view only, but you should be able to make a copy for your own use. Light colored parts are for entry or output. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Let me know if there's a bug in it!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Corin S. said: Hey! Me again, this time with a little something that might be of use for those who like the script: A Google Sheet that (should) allow you to create tongues files without quite so much finicky fiddling! Hopefully! The sheet can be viewed here. It's view only, but you should be able to make a copy for your own use. Light colored parts are for entry or output. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Let me know if there's a bug in it! Saved. Thanks!
Corin S. said: Hey! Me again, this time with a little something that might be of use for those who like the script: A Google Sheet that (should) allow you to create tongues files without quite so much finicky fiddling! Hopefully! The sheet can be viewed here. It's view only, but you should be able to make a copy for your own use. Light colored parts are for entry or output. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Let me know if there's a bug in it! Amazing! Thank you for developing such a tool, it makes my whole language setup far easier.

Edited 1520050063
!tongues --?{Action|set|unset} ?{Language|Abyssal|Celestial|Draconic|Duergar|Dwarven|Elven|Giant|Gnomish|Goblin|Orcish|Primordial} When I use this command for SET it will add the language just perfectly.  When I use it to UNSET, it will not remove the language choice from the TONGUES macro dropdown.  Any idea why this would be? It DOES remove the character's name from the language handout, but for some reason it still shows in the dropdown and I can still talk in that language.
you have to rerun the ability to update the tounges on there sheet

Edited 1521884300
KS Backer
Would it be possible to have the token_name be shown in chat instead of the character name? Edit: I realize that I worded this poorly, I mean when a token is selected. Not using the "speaking as" function.
I have handouts that I transmorgrified from another campaign but they don't seem to work.  Unless I actually create new handouts using the tongues command, it won't recognize that my handouts are valid languages.  Is that normal?
i didnt have that issue perhaps the source is corrupted or missing something that forces creation. i still need to set character ability and token action to speak but thats it. 
Omegaman said: I have handouts that I transmorgrified from another campaign but they don't seem to work.  Unless I actually create new handouts using the tongues command, it won't recognize that my handouts are valid languages.  Is that normal? No problem using the transmogrifer for me. Sorry.

Edited 1522148609
Ravenknight said: Would it be possible to have the token_name be shown in chat instead of the character name? Edit: I realize that I worded this poorly, I mean when a token is selected. Not using the "speaking as" function. I've been a bit busy lately but I'm working on some changes and improvements for the script. I will gladly add some way to use the token name but I'm working at a slow pace on this changes as the final term of my studies is close and have a lot of work to do. Omegaman said: I have handouts that I transmorgrified from another campaign but they don't seem to work.  Unless I actually create new handouts using the tongues command, it won't recognize that my handouts are valid languages.  Is that normal? I never tried to import a language handout to another game myself, but as lordmage pointed out it could be some kind of malfunction when importing which makes the handout invalid. Try removing the "Tongues: " prefix from the handout, save changes, and then add the prefix back to the handout. That way the script will reload the handout but there is nothing to do on the script side if it's an internal handout error.
I think it had to do with another script perhaps.  They all seem to be loading fine now.  I think maybe because the Shaped Script was out of date.
Is there a way to somehow hide which language is being used from those that do not speak it? Love the script, thank you for the great work.
Squirrel said: Is there a way to somehow hide which language is being used from those that do not speak it? Love the script, thank you for the great work. There is not, at the moment. But it is easy to implement onto the script. I will work on it for the next version I release.
Sarkamist said: Squirrel said: Is there a way to somehow hide which language is being used from those that do not speak it? Love the script, thank you for the great work. There is not, at the moment. But it is easy to implement onto the script. I will work on it for the next version I release. Sweet, looking forward to it! I compiled a Sylvan set using  this as a source since I know I'll have a druid and sylvan speaking creatures in my campaign. If anyone else has use for it: Vocabulary: Sylvan 1-letter words: [K, Y, O, E, F] Sylvan 2-letter words: [tu, ae, lu, al, vo, fe, se, ne, na, ke, ei, li, ue, ho, ai, le, la, mie, el, ih, uk, ai, hi] Sylvan 3-letter words: [mia, mim, mil, mie, ukt, dar, kut, ela, kel, mir, kal, elb, rie, fer, fen, beb, vor, yal, miu, sep, von, lor, ele] Sylvan 4-letter words: [sali, suli, toot, eatu, vulk, kele, sein, sile, lirn, kral, elaf, rien, sear, mivo] Sylvan 5-letter words: [beleb, vorih, mieme, kutae, vorai, faele, vaele, selui, velvo, feler] Sylvan 6-letter words: [mirfae, minsei, miemin, fenler, mivome, luvese, femaer, satuku, siluel, ferfae] Sylvan 7-letter words: [silumni, ukkutae, fenmaer, liverel, faeleai, mivosei] Sylvan 8-letter words: [mivormin, siluelve, katlafer, lisivomi, falanmos, uktasile] Sylvan 9-letter words: [milvonkel, saliosuli, kutafirfe, belenkuta, sulbefenl, vasmintol] Sylvan 10-letter words: [mie'lorvor, fersilmivo, yafaeselve, la'lornefa, ulsafeminv, minkuvaine] Sylvan 11-letter words: [kutaeminbeb, befeytilne, ultilvokhen, valtislesen, minminsulfe, illiminfaan] Sylvan 12-letter words: [siluelvarabe, femiaakusile] Sylvan 13-letter words: [la'misilvalna, uklaasihimla] Sylvan 14-letter words: [kalvarkutaeminb, baelminvaafayn] Dictionary: [Hello: sulfae] [Goodbye: falaan] [fey, fae, feys, faes: Fae] [Elf, elven, elvish: Eladrin] [Seelie: Seelie] [Unseelie: Iseelie]
Yey, more languages. Thanks Squirrel,
New version available here . Some improvements that had been requested. v4.5.1 - New configuration commands and bugfixes Fixed a bug with !tongues --set which caused a "null" entry when used on a language not yet spoken by anyone. Fixed a bug where a token without an associated character will display "character" as a name. Now the script tries to use the token's name if no character is found. If the token name is blank it will use the saved speaker name instead. New command: !tongues --config (parameter:true/false) which allows to allow or disable the new features. !tongues --config show Will display your current configuration settings. !tongues --config reset Will reset your script data to a fresh start. Useful when updating your version in order to avoid compatibility problems. !tongues --config showTokenName:true/ false While true will display the token's name rather than the character's name. Defaults to false on fresh scripts. !tongues --config displayLanguageName:true / false While true it will display the language name on the translated message. While false only the GM and characters which know the spoken language will see the language name. Defaults to true on fresh scripts. I will try to make a chat interface to make this whole thing easier.
Sarkamist said: New version available here . Some improvements that had been requested. v4.5.1 - New configuration commands and bugfixes Fixed a bug with !tongues --set which caused a "null" entry when used on a language not yet spoken by anyone. Fixed a bug where a token without an associated character will display "character" as a name. Now the script tries to use the token's name if no character is found. If the token name is blank it will use the saved speaker name instead. New command: !tongues --config (parameter:true/false) which allows to allow or disable the new features. !tongues --config show Will display your current configuration settings. !tongues --config reset Will reset your script data to a fresh start. Useful when updating your version in order to avoid compatibility problems. !tongues --config showTokenName:true/ false While true will display the token's name rather than the character's name. Defaults to false on fresh scripts. !tongues --config displayLanguageName:true / false While true it will display the language name on the translated message. While false only the GM and characters which know the spoken language will see the language name. Defaults to true on fresh scripts. I will try to make a chat interface to make this whole thing easier. I've been waiting for the speak-as-token-name feature. Thanks a lot Sarkamist.
This is a fantastic script, I'm going to have a lot of fun with this and my players will love it. If you want to setup custom languages quickly (like me for Golarion : Varisian, Keleshite, Taldane, etc..), i'm using&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> with a lorem ipsum or some large text, then using the Google sheet (linked in this thread) to quickly fill up a bunch of words in no particular order. I've noticed that when I try "!tongues --set (name)", it adds the selected token's character name in the handout, but it adds a "null" before the name. Is that normal behaviour ?