I'm doing my own sheet for Pendragon, and there's a table for recording glory. The table is shown below. I have two questions: What's the best way use sheetworkers to enter the Total column automatically? I'm thinking something like this (pseudo code): When you enter a number in Year, or a GloryThisYear, sheetworker triggers: If both year and gloryThisYear are numbers: Loop through table columns, find the row with the highest Year less than the current Year Using that row, get the number from the Total column Add it to GloryThisYear, and enter that in the Total for the current year. Is that the best way to do it? (Bear in mind there'll be some gaps - you can't assume somethign happens every year: notice the jump from 490 to 492 below). Year Events GloryThisYear Total 490 Begins Adventuring 1500 1500 492 Some more adventures 255 1755 493 Yet more adventures 720 2475