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Hypnotism Volunteers

So context. I worked at a summer camp last summer and I just got a pocket watch, so naturally I practiced my hypnotizing skills. I did it on five separate occasions, and haven't tried since. It was about a 50-50 success rate and I have no way of being certain they weren't lying. So if there is anyone on here willing to be attempted hypnotized over skype let me know. I want to see if I can actually do it,and see if hypnotism over distance is possible. Post or pm if interested.
How about... no.... password phishing? Identity theft? Nuh uh...
Fair points, but I don't plan on anything like that. At your own risk I suppose.
P. S. Honey Badgers are awesome.
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API Scripter
Wow, as off-topic threads go, this one certainly qualifies. I can't say I ever expected to see a thread like this here. HoneyBadger - don't worry about that. Hypnosis does't work like that. You can't make people do things via hypnosis that they weren't already inclined to do. You can help people experience things that they wouldn't normally experience, but people won't hand over credit card or account details, etc, The hypnotic subject is always able to ignore or veto suggestions they don't like.
Lol yes, I just really wanted to try it. I did it to a friend last night and it worked. So.. yeah... Proven principle hypnotism via Skype.
Honestly I would be interested.