getAPL allows a DM to select PC tokens and auto calculate the party APL and strength for Adventure League Games . Commands: !getAPL (target APL 1-20) The Script will kick back your number of players (based off the # of PC tokens selected), current APL, party strength (very weak, weak, average, strong, very strong), and target APL. getAPL Github: <a href="https://github.com/GrumpyOldDM/getAPL" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/GrumpyOldDM/getAPL</a> Raw Script: <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GrumpyOldDM/getAPL/master/getAPL.js" rel="nofollow">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GrumpyOldDM/getAPL/master/getAPL.js</a>