First of all, I'm sorry for the changes that didn't work, I should have waited until someone could try them out with a Pro account. So there were some things wrong with the update, and I'll start to work on fixing tomorrow.
- The perception and strength skill were reset
- all ability, force & str skill rolls from sheet are wrong, use the macros or the custom roller att bottom of sheet
- The weapon section isn't repeating any more, but I'll change it back as soon as possible. might have removed the information for existing weapons.
- The new armor sections attributes don't appear on A&A tab, which probably broke their roll in their own way.
- new attributes WoundStatus(tracks dice penalty to rolls), Force_ControlPain_ResistStun(tracks whether to negate woundstatus), Force_Emptiness(to track if the +6 from force power emptiness should be applied to force rolls), Force_Up(tracks the penalty from the numbers of force powers up for the character)
- Custom roller at the bottom of the sheet
- Character point dice roller At the bottom of the sheet
- Star wars logo reintroduced to sheet, and a d6 icon can be applied the roll buttons(only custom roller and char point roller so far