GenKitty said: I look forward to seeing how the AoE macros work out as well. I currently have 7 macros for each ammo kind used by the Dragon Pistol in the Pathfinder game I play in, depending on how many targets are in the AOE of the blast, and it's a very ugly set of macros. You understand that I currently have no intention of supporting pathfinder as I have no real reason two, I don't play the system so I have no knowledge of it or motivation to make anything. Jarrod . said: The AOE inclusion is exciting. It streamlines a lot more (although I've had my players use the macro for each target). Do you mind if I ask how you're approaching it? Also, will we be able to add "@number" after the status to allow for something like "and the target takes ongoing 5 damage -H chemical-bolt@5"? AOEs will use a token to pick where the ranged blast or burst comes from, i have had working code for it for as long as the API has existed. Displaying the results and deciding friend from foe will be the hard part. What would the @number represent? With all the new macro's you can display what ever text you like.