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Looking for artist for 'group portrait' drawing


Edited 1389656865
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API Scripter
We got quite a few talented artist on here, and hoping to hire one for a single drawing. Im looking for a photo of my players characters in my campaign to use as my landing page art in my roll20 game. Im more than willing to pay for the good artwork, not expecting your work and talent for free :) A sort of "Group action photo" of them that captures their look and persona. Trying to get a comic/graphic novel style, and stay away from cartoony/comicstrip style art, as it doesn't fit the feel of the game or campaign. I can give detailed info on how each looks, their personality and demeanor, and anything else you need to get a feel for them. All it needs to be is a black and white image, no coloring, or background, just them on a white backdrop is all I would need. sort of the layout like below of the character grouping: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And like I was saying, somewhat in the vibe of a comic book style like such: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If anyone is up for it, or knows someone with the talent, feel free to get with me!
If you haven't done so already I suggest searching elsewhere to commission an artist. I could see how there may be something desirable about a piece made by a roll20 member though.
Try deviant art. Lots of people there that are great artists.
What's your budget?

Edited 1389832757
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API Scripter
Depends on the quality and skill of course, trying to stay under $100(ish) since its just a single panel black&white of the characters with no background, but it IS 7 characters total. I might have found someone, but depends on how reliable he is, so far hes dodgy on replying to emails..not giving a good vibe..haha And not sure how to go about looking for someone on deviant art, i've poked around on it a handful of times by stumbling upon it over the years. but how to seek out interested people via request Im lost on how to do on there.
Well, shoot me a PM with your time frame and any information/references you have, I can give you some drawing samples and probably bust this out in a day or so.

Edited 1389836897
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API Scripter
Can do!