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Looking for players to help test Pathfinder kingdom building and mass combat rules

If interested let me know. Game starts at 7 central time. Deciding between lvl 1 or lvl 5 characters.
Hey, I would be interested, I would like to learn these rules as well. If it's not too late. :) Dan
On what day? I am tired of high fantasy in general, but your game seems to have a certain intriguing twist. I Played Pathfinder for quite a long time, and can certainly dig my books out.
We are possibly doing it tonight at 6-7 central.

Edited 1389758558
Well, I obviously missed that since it's 10CST, but if you do it again and need more, let me know. I don't even have a character ready anymore, so I will need to dig out the books and make one. I forgot to follow the topic and missed your reply. :(