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[LFG][SWRPG][EST] Looking to learn Edge of the Empire

I've recently taken an interest in the FFG Star Wars RPGs, most notably Edge of the Empire, as I'm listening to a podcast that is playing it. I picked up a copy of the core rulebook and a set of dice, I just need a group to play it with. I'm available just about every evening after 6:00PM EST, except for Thursdays.
I am interested! I have always had a character in mind but no game to play in. The Guardian Corps of the infamous pre- Republic dictator Xim the Despot were one of the earliest forms of battle droids . I would play him like Shockwave from transformers, but looking for his lost master or something cliche like that. 
That's really interesting. The character I have in mind is an old Hunter Killer droid (see HK-47) that was found in a scrapyard on a backwater planet. He was fitted with a restraining bolt and repaired to functionality before being reprogrammed as a general purpose droid to help around the settlement he was recovered by. Before the settlement was attacked  by pirates and he was taken, he was programmed as a medical droid, as he remains to this day. He may not have the programming to be an assasin anymore, but the personality of the Hunter Killer droid is still very much ingrained into the now medical droid.
cool, a medical droid with a minuscule killer code left in his system.  Xim's major competition was the huts before they became huts. during a droid attack by xim on hut home planet, my pc was sunk into the swamp, and stayed there until rescued by (another pc) while doing some sort of mission, whether diplomatic or otherwise, on their planet. Han meets some of these droids in an eu novel. the droid shoots a beam out his one eye, and "battlefield pulse wave cannons" are attached to each arm. the beam uses some sort of fuel that he stores in his giant body (slightly larger than a wookie, and dwarfs humans).
I'm in if you guys want another player.  I keep wanting to explore an Explorer or Colonist but don't have a game.  Droids do sound like fun.