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Looking for some guidance about maps & art I can use on a live stream

I'm in the process of starting a streamed Roll20 game on twitch and looking to better understand terms of use for maps & assets I purchase on the Roll20 Marketplace. I want to do my due diligence & I'm sure this question has been posed before, but I'm having a hard time finding clear answers. Should I be reaching out to the specific creators and asking them regardless of whether I've purchased their product? What about the free assets in Roll20? Are those safe? Same question about the music in the Roll20 jukebox. Am I allowed to use that stuff on a stream?
Ada L.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Since you're not redistributing any marketplace assets in the stream, it sounds like fair use to me. As long as the asset packages you're using don't say anything about disallowing their use in streams, you should be fine. For reference, here is a link to the Marketplace Asset EULA:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Marketplace Creator
In my case I wouldnt mind if someone used my assets on a livestream, credits/link to the sets would of course be appreciated (and I would love to watch a livestream of someone using my pixel packs:P). But I cant say what others think of this, you can contact the artists from the packs you are using to be fully sure of this. As for the music, I think someone asked that some weeks ago, cant remember what was the answer to that, sorry.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Looking through the Roll20 and Marketplace EULAs, I would suggest the prudent course would be to seek permission from the artists in question, unless explicitly spelled out in the Marketplace offering in question. I don't see any blanket permissions. I am not a lawyer, of course, but when in doubt, ask. And good on you for doing taking the time and effort to do so.
first... most market place items may be covered under a specific copyright such as a creative commons license looking over the EULA for marketplace is a good start.&nbsp; Second. Reach out to the creators for a definitive written permission. Third properly cite source material used either as a callout at the end of the stream and or a Link back Material Blog.&nbsp; if you're using any OGL items you make need to review the Licences that is release with the OGL content. my homebrew site as a copyright notice for that&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> you can also see on the main page and all pages that drew inspiration or other the source is cited.&nbsp;&nbsp; That of course applies to all content seen or talked about outside of fair use copyright rules.&nbsp; when it comes to sound fx under 15 seconds they are generally not covered under a copyright see fair use. full music and the like unless part of the open domain are covered under some use license that royalties must be paid. that is just a general statement i could be off on some items a good place to start is&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
This is all great feedback. Thanks so much folks!
I'm gonna echo what keithcurtis and lordmage have said, and say it's always nice to ask for permission from artists and give them a shoutout on stream, but this does look like fair use and you should be ok even if you can't track down the artist.&nbsp; Just make sure to comply with an artist's request and preferences if they see your work and ask you not to use it. In most cases though, artists like seeing their work being appreciated (and properly credited to them!) so find your token bliss and show your artists some love :)
Gabriel P.
Marketplace Creator
I think your questions been answered&nbsp; but I'll just state that I never mind having my resources streamed and enjoyed.
Just wanted to touch back here to thank everyone. Im always tentative about asking questions of a new community, but you all have been wonderfully helpful. Thanks again for the feedback folks & good luck on your adventures!
Marketplace Creator
My standard response if you want to use my art in a live stream is "thanks! Just take a second at some point in the recording to briefly plug me or say where you got it, and pleaaaaae send me a link so I can support your stream!"
Gliean (Rich/Filly) said: Just wanted to touch back here to thank everyone. Im always tentative about asking questions of a new community, but you all have been wonderfully helpful. Thanks again for the feedback folks & good luck on your adventures! If you're new here, welcome to Roll20!&nbsp; You'll quickly learn that this community is probably the BEST online community you'll ever find.&nbsp; The people are truly helpful, responses to questions are normally quick and helpful, and it has none of the toxicity that exists on other forums.

Edited 1513460140
Russ H.
Marketplace Creator
Same as Dsurion, Gabe and Badger: if you use my work for streams, yay and "thank you." Just a plug for recognition and where someone can get the sets is always nice.&nbsp;

Edited 1513491793
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
I'll echo the crowd. Feel free to stream with my art, and any recognition is much appreciated! Also if you ever stream and are using my art,&nbsp; feel free to tweet at me on the Tweeeeeeeeeeter and I'll retweet your tweet to help promote your show and I'll likely watch it too!