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Tracker Trick: Resorting

Sheet Author
Is there a command that can be added to a macro that resorts the tracker in either ascending or descending order?  Likewise, is there a command to give a character/token precedence in a tie?  Say in the order of actions, characters act before mooks.  Shy of reorganizing the tracker on the fly, is there a way to build this in where it isn't obnoxious?  Say like adding an invisible decimal point or something? On a completely unrelated note, am I right that if I create a macro that is only visible to one player (me: the GM) and then set it to appear as a token action, that when a different player clicks on their token, that token action will not be visible to them? Thanks!
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
The sort requires an API script. Group initiative may do this. For the tie breaker, the only way is the pathfinder sheet method: [[1d20+@{initiative_mod}+@{initiative_mod}/100]]
The Aaron
API Scripter
You can get this behavior with the API. GroupInitiative has commands for sorting the turn order and provisions for tie breaking.  GroupInitiative takes some configuring (like if you prefer ascending vs descending order). Then you can just issue this command: !group-init —-sort to sort.  To answer your your second question, only those players that have access to the macro will see it on the TokenAction bar. 
Sheet Author
Thanks guys, Yeah, I figured the resorting was only going to happen with the API.  I'll look into GroupInitiative, though honestly for that one feature it may not be worth the trouble.   And thanks for clearing up my Token Action question, Aaron.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Cool. I could probably get you a simple sorter. 
Once you see what Group Init can do for you, you'll use it for more than sorting the turn tracker..  Being able to select all the mobs and have it roll for each one individually with one click is awesome (players too if they are OK w/ it).  Plus you can use it to resort (already discussed).  Also, you can make a simple macro to clear and close the turn tracker.
To answer your last question, your macros are not visible to the players unless you select them to be.  It's a checkbox.
Sheet Author
Three of Swords,  I'll definitely check it out, but my needs are pretty light.  I'm running 7th Sea, so a lot of the rules are player facing.  Mobs don't generally roll dice, so most of the time, I'm only having to track 1 or 2 characters against the players.  Resorting the initiative count would be a nice feature, but its really only 2 clicks away.  But since I'm paying for pro right now, I might as well make use of some of those features, right?