Just what is in the comment at the top of the script /** * Inventory Tracker for 5e OGL character sheet
* Allows for quick access to the equipped items of a character.
* Commands:
* !equipShow [--item|<ITEM_NAME> [--charid|<CHARACTER_ID>]]
* Shows the equipped item(s) for the character that belongs to the selected token.
* If no arguments are given, displays all equipped items of the character representing the selected token.
* If --item|<ITEM_NAME> is given, will display the equipped status for the given item.
* If --charid|<CHARACTER_ID> is given, will attempt to find the item on the character with the given ID.
* The name of the item(s) in the chat allow a player who can control that character to toggle the equipment
* status for that particular item utilizing the !equipToggle command.
* !equipToggle --charid|<CHARACTER_ID> --item|<ITEM_NAME>
* Toggles the equipped status for the given item and outputs the new status. Clicking on the item name in the
* output will toggle the equipment status again. Only players who can control the character can use this command.