... and I lost the whole bloody thing I was going to put in here in a copy/paste buffer screw up. Dammit. Well, let's go again. Bill brought up telepathy and whether a telepath can read Pneuma. (His opinion was yes.) It's interesting to me how an off the cuff comment like this can go down a rabbit hole on exploring how the world works. My first instinctive reaction to 'can a telepath read Pneuma' was "I don't think so," but a little bit of consideration got me to "yes" pretty quickly. The question: what is a telepath doing? It's not like the Concordance aura reading. It's not whatever GG does (which is more like looking at the spirit of the person.) They're looking at raw brain activity, so either chemical changes (which is a bit broad and slow and the data would really be more like what I feel the Concordance gives... hell maybe that's part of what it does, except it reads most galactic species, so it can't really be chemistry. hmm...), or it's electrical impulses. That's fine. But if it's electrical impulses, why not computers? Well, unlike Pneuma, computer's electrical impulses aren't like human signals. The data isn't readable. So it's just noise. Okay. (Except for some oddball telepaths where computers ARE readable, and people aren't. Got it.) INTERESTING: that would imply that lots of electrical activity around a telepath would mess them up. White noise. EMP machines would HURT. Big electrical turbines would be awful. Telepaths are subtle readers of electrical impulse (with senses tuned to the electricity in the brain, they'd have to be), and can't handle the big signals well (unless they're whole thing is electricity, and it's all just amperage and control, but that's another discussion. So... maybe this is a bitter picture of telepathy? Seems like it's coming up a bit more lately, so it may be useful.