I wanted to go through and show everyone a few of my sets that are combined groups that are perfect for using together and often have massive potential for future games. You can check out all 80+ sets on roll20 marketplace at RPG Fantasy Graphics Woodland Encounters This collection of maps are good for all the woodland encounters that you can possible come up with including little towns and villages in the middle of no where. Little base camps and tents and rivers. I mean these can really be inspirational for any combat encounter you can think of. Great woodland vib going across each one and a similar style for each one. Village Adventure Are you trying to build a city perhaps you don't want to spend all your time customizing one to fit into your adventure. Well these tile based maps that can be attached at almost every corner can be placed side by side and grow your city to any size. All of these are identical to each other and have great chance of providing that atmosphere that you are looking for. Can you just imagine running through the city streets chasing down a villian who just stole a lady purse or perhaps a group of bandits in a alleyway ready to ambush someone as they turn the corner. Geodungeons Enhanced These are some interesting 10x10 tiles because they are open dungeons that can be customized any way that you want. There is so much you can do with them just plop down and rotate them in any direction in they all line up at the appropriate angels. This is great because there hundreds of tiles to choose from and you can have just about any dungeon style you want with so much to look through.