These are the ones that nobody will actually play, but you could sort of see it happening, maybe...? Elfling (Protege) Real Name: unknown Look: ambiguous; indigenous; compact body; loose clothes; colorful costume Abilities: Shared: telepathy/telekinesis (invulnerability, social invisibility) Mentor's: weapons and gadgets (the toybag) Yours: detective skills (naughty/nice detection) Labels: Danger -1; Freak +0; Savior +1; Superior +2; Mundane +1 Mentor embodies Savior, you embody Mundane Backstory: How did you first meet your mentor? - I had a dream about the North Pole. Santa Claus told me to come to Halcyon City. When and why did you choose to train with them? - Since the Christmas invasion of Halcyon by the Vyortovians, when they used the stories of the old ways for selfish purposes. We can't allow that! Why did they agree to train you? - I convinced Santa that we should show Halcyon a positive side of Christmas! Who else, outside of the team, knows about your training? - mystic or supernatural beings will always know my true nature Why do you care about the team? - they selflessly protected children, what else matters? Relationships: You and Ghost Girl teamed up a few times before the rest of you came together (though she doesn't remember it now). Your mentor is cautious; they asked you to keep an eye on Jason Quill. Influence: Playful demeanor, Influence to Concord and Mercury. Protege Moves: Fireside chat: When you seek advice from your mentor, roll + the Label they embody. On a hit they will tell you what to do. On a 10+, mark potential if you follow their advice, and take +1 ongoing to follow through. On a 7-9, you get +1 forward to see it through if you do it their way. On a miss, they don’t have time for you because something big has gone down; mark a condition, GM’s choice. Be mindful of your surroundings: When you assess the situation before entering into a fight, you may ask one additional question, even on a miss. Heroic tradition: When you give someone the advice that you think your mentor would give, you can roll + the Label your mentor embodies to comfort or support someone, instead of rolling + Mundane. Mentor's Resources: false identities, badges of authority, a teleportal Elfling has the following powers: Comical Invulnerability. Elfling cannot be physically hurt, but will always take pratfalls, stumble, or wind up with a soot-covered face rather than manifest serious injury. They do not have corresponding super-strength, and may easily be tied up or knocked around. The power comes with a compulsion to act as though it were not in effect; Elfling will still duck, dodge, and hide if attacked, but could still take heroic action such as shielding someone else with their body. Social invisibility. They can go anywhere and belong, though they may be regarded as the lowest of the low (e.g. if infiltrating AEGIS HQ, they won't be arrested immediately, but they may be seen as a janitor or some other menial employee and told to get to work). Unleash your powers to extend this to other people or enhance your perceived rank when you are somewhere. Christmas Portal. Elfling can teleport themselves to any prominent display of Christmas festivity in Halcyon City, as long as nobody is observing them. Access to the List. They can tell who is naughty or nice, though may not be able to discern the causes or trends behind this status. When you pierce the mask , one of the questions you may ask is "are you naughty or nice?"; the target's player must answer honestly. Access to the Toybag. They can produce any item which has been given as a Christmas present in the city (anything from hand-made scarves to computers to cars), but may only gift them to someone else and may not use the item themselves. The choice of item is not up to Elfling ordinarily - it will be something that grants a child's fondest wish or teaches a naughty child an important lesson. Unleash your powers to try and affect the nature of the item produced, or to produce something rare, outlandish, or large (such as a car). Santa will censure the use of this power if used too often, producing only lumps of coal. Santa, and similar stories around the world, are all aspects of the
Spirit of Generosity that pervades the world. The Spirit's wish is to
give, but knows that there is evil in the world. Creatures like Elfling
are given appropriate powers and charged with helping awaken the giving
spirit in everyone. Elfling has forgotten that they are a real child, living in Halcyon, who prayed for power to fight back and help people after the invasion. Learning more about themselves may cause them to shift back to their original form more and more.