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[LFG] fairly experienced player looking for a weekly group

Looking for a group that plays weekly, I'm open to any game system, just need to get that rpg fix! I see myself as a fairly creative player and like to approach things from many angles and sometimes find some bizarre or unique solutions. I'm on EST, available weekdays after 7 pm, weekends any time really. Look forward to joining a group! 
I am recruiting for my game Twelve Nobles, which MAY play on Sundays at 7 pm CET (2 pm your time). You're free to put yourself up for consideration, should we make that day :) The listing is found  HERE
Got 2 campaigns available now: Dark Sun (brutal mad max style desert setting) or Neo-Earth: Inhuman Crisis (mix of modern/semi-futuristic tech & typical fantasy; think of shows like Bright or Altered Carbon or even Blade Runner- cyberpunk/shadowrun feel with a twist
Both using AD&D 2e rules ^
Hey there Connor.  If you are interested in giving 4eD&D a try, check us out over at The Guild Living Campaign.  We are a community of 4e players that play D&D4e with a set of shared rules that allow players to move freely between games.  We have over 20 DMs and a very active community.  We also provide all resources a player would need to play the game once they join including a downloadable program with all the rules as well as a video tutorial. If it sounds like something you might be interested in, head on over to our LFG Blurp . If it looks like something you want to play in, post on the interested players thread and you will get invited to the campaign. You can also send me a contact request on Skype at Gravymattingly if you have questions or want to be added into guild chat if you decide to join.
PM sent.