As pointed out to me recently in a thread concerning maps and dimensions - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... What you have is information overload that is bound to crash your computer and anyone who tries to enter your campaign. You need to prioritize what you will need to run the adventure, while minimizing and editing out tons of extraneous information. Sure, having every single unique alley detailed out would be awesome in a perfect world, but if the players will never go there, it is an unnecessary waste of resources. My suggestion - Figure out what information you're trying to convey. If you need to see the whole city in one map, I would scale it down a LOT, also change the print file size (typically 300 dpi) to lower resolution version meant to be seen on the screen (72 pixels per inch). You will lose detail, but you'll be giving the viewer a general idea of the overall layout of the city. Slice up the city into smaller maps to give impressions of regions and so on. I would save the detailed maps that tokens are supposed to inhabit and interact for places that the actual boots-on-the-ground adventures will happen. If you find yourself needing detail from a specific place on your ginomous map on the fly, you can always go into it outside of Roll20, zoom to that place, make a screen cap, paste it into a basic paint program, save it as a jpg and then import that screen cap to Roll20. Probably not the advice you want to hear, but I hope that helps. - X