In 2665, humanity was at its Golden Age, with the race having been spread out across the stars, subverting or destroying all others in its path, and using technologies that would only later be thought of as magic, supplemented by the magic-like powers of psychics. There was nothing that could bring humanity down. Then the Scream happened. In the blink of an eye, every psychic alive was either instantly killed or driven completely mad, going on rampages before they were finally destroyed. In the ensuing chaos, most planets fell to starvation, wars, and the psychic phenomena caused by their population's psychic outburst. Even now, six hundred years later, humanity has still not recovered fully from the Scream, and the galaxy is fragmented at best. It is here, in this jumbled maze of broken lands and forgotten ruins, that you will make your stead... Hello, and welcome to Stars Without Number. My name is Nik, and I will be your GM into this sandbox adventure. We will be using the Revised Edition, including some material from the expansions as needed, and a few homebrew elements. Before you ask, the main homebrew elements that will be present in this campaign are: - A revised XP system that is more along the lines of the old edition, but with all the classes using the same chart, so the group will be consistent in their levels. - The return of goals to earn small amounts of bonus XP - An addition to the armor table and some new weapons - Adding new cybernetics and weapon mods (Replacing the ones in the book in the case of the latter) So, with that out of the way, there is the matter of applying. The following format is what I am expecting to see; Any other format will be automatically ignored and deleted. Name: Discord Name: Experience with Roll20: Experience with Stars Without Number: Character Concept: Preferred Playstyle (Combat-heavy, Roleplayer, etc): Why You Should Be Selected: Hope to hear from you soon, and happy gaming! Game is on Mondays, 5:30 PM CST.